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قسم أخبار و أحوال الأعضاء و نشاطاتهم تبادل أخبار و أحوال الاعضاء و المشرفين فيما بينهم وكل مايستجد في حياتهم و يهتم بنشاطات الاعضاء ومجموعاتهم الخاصه.

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قديم 10-30-2015, 05:14 AM

uestion: Is this fan made or not? if it’s real, i have problems i want to talk about.

There are 5 problems with this picture.

The problems are.. In the first panel, Naruto never has money. lol & he doesn’t put his frog money holder/wallet in that bag.. He puts it in his pockets.

2nd problem, Hinata wouldn’t go that far to do something like that & PLUS the byakugan doesn’t look thru what people are wearing. It’s only to see the movements/flowing chakra in a person.

3rd problem, how does hinata even know about ichiraku’s?

4th problem, Hinata asks if “Naruto likes it.. right?”. Like she’s unsure.. But how does she know if he likes it or not when she knows nothing about him. She only knows the basic things about him.. nothing more. (similar to the 3rd problem)

5th problem, Naruto looks like he’s sweating the fuck out. Like he really is looking at hinata like “Na bruhh, that’s mines & sakura place” with that fake smile when Hinata was grabing his arm. smh do you not see his face? it looks like he’s trying to walk away from her with the expression “Help me” lolol

ادكر فانز ناروهينا يقارنون بين ساكورا وهيناتا مع ناروتو لما يروح لمطعم رامن مدري ليش يدقدوا بالتفاصيل صغيرة ع اقل ساكورا ماهي مجاعه زيي هيناتا البقره تغصب ناس يروحوا ياكلوا ادكر ساكورا مره وهي صغيرة دعت ناروتو لمطعم ع حسابها يعني سبقت بقرة في كل شيء هي اخر وحده تجي
قديم 10-30-2015, 05:24 AM
قديم 10-30-2015, 05:41 AM

تخيلوا لو كان حقيقي ههههههههههههه
ρsүcнσ likes this.
قديم 10-30-2015, 05:45 AM

ناروتو يحمر خجلا لرؤية ساكورا دايما ينظر اليها ويبتسم ويناديها ساكورا تشان اما هيناتا غثيثه ينظر اليها وكانها يرى اي شخص عادي يرى بقره هههههه و لا يناديها بهيناتا تشان ابدا وليس مثل هيناتا بقره يدلع في ناروتو وناروتو ما يعطيها وحه هههههههههه ام شيء فصحى مع عاميه داخله بالغلط ههههه
ρsүcнσ likes this.
قديم 10-30-2015, 06:03 AM

Listen Guys, they are Deleting the Negative comments on the so called official site of “Message to Kishimoto” as well!!!

And for the proof I tried it my self! I Posted a comment and my Comment Number was #17641 but my comment was not shown on the comment page where all the comments are shown. And after that I tried three times and all of those comments were against them and those are also not shown on the site! I have also attached the picture for proof! One pic shows you the missing comment 17641! And the other pic shows my comment when I posted that is #17641 which is not being displayed!

Those pathetic Sore Losers are deleting comments on that official Site As well! Shame on them! They are really despicable who are not even ready to hear the truth but are also shunning people who disagree! They are showing all thanks comments! I bet many of those would be self posted to keep up the good image. What a Shame! How Disgusting!

Guys Please let Kishimoto know about this and let him know how you feel about the end and everything. He should hear us! I am also sending him a message and we all should and here is the postal address of Kishimoto:
Masashi Kishimoto
Shueisha Inc.
2-5-10 Hitotsubashi
Tokyo-to 101-8050

Please Share This post and let every one know about their Disgusting Side!

لشيء قبل تكلمنت عنه لما انتهى مانجا ناروتو فتحوا موقع خاص لفانز ناروتو اغلبيه فانز اشتكوا من نهايه ناروتو لان اغلبيتهم كانوا ناروساكو يرسلون شكواهم ما ينقبل بس يبون مؤيدين للمانجا عشان يتظاهرون ان مانجا نجحت ومافي اي شكاوى زيما سو لفيلم ناروتو دا لاست فشلت واستمروا في مبيعات اغراض الفيلم وسوا لعبه ناروتو دا ستورم يبون يرجعون خسارتهم كبيره [

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة indrasaku ; 10-30-2015 الساعة 06:33 AM
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