عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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الهواتف النقالة قسم يهتم بجميع الاجهزة النقالة الحديثة بطرح البرامج الداعمة لها وطرح الجديد من اخبارها وصورها الخاصة

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قديم 10-27-2015, 02:55 AM
المتصفح الأشهر عالميـًا Chrome Browser v46.0.2490.76 أحدث إصدار للأندرويد

Chrome Browser v46.0.2490.76

Browse fast on your Android phone and tablet with the Google Chrome browser you love on desktop. Pick up where you left off on your other devices with tab sync, search by voice, and save up to 50% of data usage while browsing.
- Sync Across Devices - seamlessly access and open tabs and bookmarks from your laptop, phone or tablet
- Save Data - reduce mobile data usage by up to 50% while browsing
- Faster Browsing - choose from search results that instantly appear as you type and quickly access previously visited pages
- Voice Search - use the magic of Google voice search to find answers on-the-go without typing
- Translate - easily read webpages in any language
- Intuitive Gestures - open as many tabs as your heart desires and quickly flip through them by swiping from side to side on the toolbar
- Privacy - use Incognito mode to browse without saving your history

Screen Shots

Additional information

Updated October 15, 2015
Size 39MB
Installs 1,000,000,000 - 5,000,000,000
Current Version 46.0.2490.76
Requires Android Varies with device
Offered By Google Inc.











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