عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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قديم 11-04-2015, 07:32 PM
تعلم الانجليزيزه بكل بساطه مع التطبيق الرائع Learn English 6,000 Words v4.52

Learn English 6,000 Words v4.52

Requirements: Android OS 2.3.3 +
Overview: FunEasyLearn is the easy and fun new way to learn English - whether you like listening music from other countries, travelling abroad, working for an international company, or chatting with foreign friends. Our app encourages your kids to learn speaking English quickly.


6,000 words with images to illustrate words, phonetic transcriptions and pronunciation recordings by native speakers.
Vocabulary covers 15 thematic topics divided into 140 subtopics.
The entire vocabulary has been translated into 59 languages: - Afrikaans - Albanian - Amharic - Arabic - Azerbaijani - Belarusian - Bengali - Bosnian - Bulgarian - Catalan - Chinese - Traditional Chinese - Croatian - Czech - Danish - Dutch - Estonian - Tagalog - Finnish - French - Georgian - German - Greek - Hebrew - Hindi - Hungarian - Icelandic - Igbo - Indonesian - Irish - Italian - Japanese - Kazakh - Korean - Latvian - Lithuanian - Macedonian - Malay - Mongolian - Nepali - Norwegian - Persian - Polish - Portuguese - Brazilian Portuguese - Romanian - Russian - Serbian - Slovak - Slovenian - Spanish - Swahili - Swedish - Thai - Turkish - Ukrainian - Urdu - Vietnamese etc.


Select from 7 fun games to learn in a uniquely entertaining manner.
Built-in "Spin Categories" feature allows the app to choose a random topic, subtopic and game for you to enhance your learning experience.
"Review Manager" allows you to review all the words you've learned during each game.


No internet connection is required to use the app.
3 difficulty levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Choose your preferred tuition language from 59 pre-programmed interface languages: English, German, French, Turkish, Russian, Korean, Arabic, Thai, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, etc.

Learn English app is absolutely FREE!

What's New
New design, database improvements and bug fixes:

New Material design UI.
Optimized for Android 5.
Improved the images of database.
Added 10 native languages.
Fixed many bugs.

Paid content unlocked

This app has NO advertisements









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learn english | تعلم الإنجليزية صالاتي مواضيع عامة 0 12-03-2010 11:12 AM

الساعة الآن 03:56 PM.

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