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قديم 12-25-2007, 04:22 PM
Cool What I have learnt today

What I have learnt today?

In business decisions depends on other decisions. We can’t prepare other financial budgets till we are done with the Sales Budget. Even in business we can sometimes depend on subjective and other people probabilities .

But the funny thing is when it comes to life decisions it’s totally different.

When it comes to death and love they never know when the right time to come; it is just happens.

Love just happens like death it never knows when is the right time to come .And when it comes to love it’s always NOW or NEVER there is no other choice.

Never say no to someone who showed that they carried and love you, you never know who is meant to be yours give it a chance never shut the door u never know how much pain u can cause to others.

Smile and give it a chance love never knows when is the right time but marriage needs a commitment and need time to think lots and lots of times before taking a decision.

Life is to short to argue and judge other if u do that u will never have time to love them.

At the end of life we won’t be judged on the number of diplomas we’ve got nor the amount of money we left, anyway, being the richest person in the ceremony won’t matter u can’t do any business from there anyway.

In the end of life we will be judged how many hungry we fed and hungry is not only for bread it’s for love and respect. People who r hungry for love and respect in this world r far more than the people who need bread. Even the richest person in life needs someone to show that he cares and loves him.

It’s never too late to being

It’s never too late to be the person u dreamt

It’s never too late to realize what’s important in ur life and fight for it.(whether is was education ,surviving a marriage, career, starting ur own business and being a boss of urself or showing to the person u love how much u care).

In end of our lives we will be judged alone no one will be there to ask. And in life we can take our own decisions never wait for others to decide what u should do. Believe in urself and trust GOD it’s only faith and courage that will lead u to the right place .Never fear of failing u will never feel the taste of wining if u didn’t fail hold on when others give up. Life is to short give it ur best is worth it.

For the English club girls what I have learnt today is never marry the guy who thinks his a gift from Allah to you, Marry the person who thinks that ur the best gift from GOD to him .There is a big difference between them the one who thinks he is a gift from GOD to u won’t make u happy but the person who thinks ur his best gift from GOD will be there for u ur whole life.

Finally, I wish everyone happiness and success in life. We r not born happy but we r born to make happiness. Be happy and spread happiness to everyone u know, never let some one leave u unless his happy.
. Don’t leave footprints leave heart prints.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-25-2007, 06:27 PM
رد: What I have learnt today

thx alot lav for this nice subject
evrey day all learn a nwe thing in this life
thx alot again

إلى جميعـ بناتـ عيونـ العربـ ..

أدعوكمـ للإانضامـ لمجموعة ,,

نعم للبنات ـلا للتماسيحـ


جروبـ خاصـ للصبايا ..:88:

أعذروني عن تغيبي فالجامعه قد بدأت و انا ادرس أصعب المواضيع !!..فادعوا لي ..
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-26-2007, 12:13 AM
رد: What I have learnt today

ur welcome dear sherey
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-27-2007, 12:30 AM
رد: What I have learnt today

لولاك رب ما اهتدينا ولاصمنا ولا صلينا
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-27-2007, 12:38 AM
رد: What I have learnt today

thx for this nice subject
evrey day all learn a nwe thing in this life

رد مع اقتباس
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