عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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مدونات الأعضاء دفتر يوميات الأعضاء خاص بالعضو ذاته ولا يحق لأي عضو الرد أو التعقيب قسم يسمح للأعضاء بإضافة تدويناتهم اليومية الخاصة لمشاركتها مع مئات الآلاف من الاعضاء والزوار يومياً .. مدونات - مدونة

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قديم 01-12-2016, 07:26 PM
أريد أن أصل اليوم
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-12-2016, 07:29 PM
نعم نعم أنا أستحق
ها ها ها ها
نعم نعم نعم أستحق ذلك

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-12-2016, 07:30 PM
أكرهه بشدة عندما أركز في شئ
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-12-2016, 07:35 PM
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster

I'm one of a kind, got everybody in love
And I don't have to try, I just do what I does
Don't have to tell me, I already know
They all want me

Yo, I run this, I smash it
Like my bass real hard, boom-bastic
Speed race baby, I'm a lot faster
Cause trouble, never listen to my master
New Benz all black, from Malaysia
Can't drive, but my mama don't care yup
To the top, I'm a take it to the ceiling
I'm on the moon but I feel the sun beaming
I'm so dope like ooh la la
So so fly like a helicopter
Sup to the hood and the homies on the block
Doin' it big, ya you know, what's up

Some come and try to say I'm a problem
So crazy, gotta put 'em in an asylum
Some come and try to say I'm a problem
Ha, solve it

I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster

I'm one of a kind, got everybody in love
And I don't have to try, I just do what I does
Don't have to tell me, I already know
They all want me

Yo, yo, yo
I ran this, I rock this
I can see the future, no optics
More androids, robotics

Beam up hot chicks like I'm Spock
They be chillin' in my cockpit, my spaceship got exotic
One be trippin', come n' whip, hypnotic, they be talking 'bout ooh la la
Let's go far, way past them stars
We don't give a -, let's go to Mars

Ay, yo
I'm just tryna get it poppin'
I wanna be the first dude to love a martian
She love a man, cut the swag that I'm droppin'
I kill the game til it's chillin' in the coffin
When I start it, ain't no stoppin'

Yo, yo
Yo, yo
Yo, yo
Yo, yo

(Don't be acting like)
Don't be actin' like
Like you didn't know
Like you didn't know
Like you didn't know
Like you didn't know

I'm one of a kind, got everybody in love
And I don't have to try, I just do what I does
Don't have to tell me, I already know
They all want me

I'm one of a kind, got everybody in love
And I don't have to try, I just do what I does
Don't have to tell me, I already know
They all want me

I'm a monster, I'm a m-monster
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-12-2016, 07:45 PM

نورتو المجموعة يا أطفالي الحلوين
رد مع اقتباس
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الساعة الآن 09:48 AM.

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