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قديم 02-13-2016, 07:03 PM
لعبه الطائرات الشهيرة GUNSHIP BATTLE: Helicopter 3D Apk v2.2.3

GUNSHIP BATTLE: Helicopter 3D Apk v2.2.3 ذœذ¾d

The world's most powerful combat helicopters are at your fingertips.

30 million downloads!!!
Become a helicopter pilot and engage in combat missions across the world.
Select from a variety of rotary and fixed-wing VTOL aircraft to complete your missions.

م€ژGUNSHIP BATTLEم€ڈ is a helicopter action game that combines stunning 3D graphics with flight control simulation and engaging military scenarios to pull you into an immersive combat experience the moment you start the game.

- Enjoy controls optimized for 3D flight.
- Select from a wide range of helicopters, each with unique characteristics.
- Arm your chopper with a variety of weapons and equipment.
- Complete missions in Episode mode inspired by real-life conflicts.
- Challenge yourself with the next mission or replay a custom mission.
- Also optimized for tablet devices.

If you enjoy FPS, shooting, or racing games, this is the perfect game for you.
You'll find yourself whirling through the skies across intense crossfire.

"Fun and engrossing" - Pocketmeta
"Perfectly suited for any action players out there" - Appzoom
"Fans of the genre should try this game" - Appgamer

This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for some in-game items. Please note that some paid items may not be refundable depending on the type of item.










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