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قديم 03-10-2016, 04:48 PM
تطبيق العملاق للحقاظ على البطارية Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) v5.4

Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) v5.4 build 5040009

DU Battery Saver, the world’s leading battery saver and Android power doctor & manager, is a FREE battery saving app that makes your battery last longer! Get up to 50% more battery life for Android phones or tablets! With DU Battery Saver’s smart pre-set battery power management modes, one-touch controls and healthy charge stage features, solve battery problems and extend your battery life. Presented by DU Apps Studio, DU Battery Saver is the simplest and easiest way to keep your Android phone working well when you need it, and protect against poor charging, battery hogging apps, and overlooked device settings that shorten your battery life







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