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قديم 03-14-2016, 04:27 PM
لعبة القنص الرائعة Major GUN FPS v3.4.5 للأندرويد

Major GUN FPS v3.4.5 APK

Can you handle powerful gun? Get into action! Experience the first FPS endless arcade gun shooter!

- No briefing!
- No missions!
- No boring stories!
- FPS shooter!

The terrorists have overtaken the area and only you can stop them. Get your gun & join the FPS action and witness the vibrant visual design, unique controls and arcade style gameplay that bring you the best endless gun shooting experience!

Unlock new guns and make your enemies cry like little girls
Upgrade your gear and powerups to boost your survivability
Complete FPS Missions to increase your rank and improve your scores
Finish Daily Challenges to collect boosts, funds and weapons
Compete with your friends to see who is the best Major GUN!

- super accurate gun control shooter
- 11 powerful guns with upgrade options
- 14 awesome gun skins to unlock
- various types of enemies: gunners, grenadiers, bazookers and armored terrorists
- challenging bosses who dream of stopping you from getting your new high score
- over 100 scenery modules to force your way through
- 5 different types of upgradeable gun powerups
- various types of boosts
- mission and rank system
- best shooter score leaderboards for Game Center and Facebook friends


Additional information

Updated March 2, 2016
Size 87M
Installs 100,000 - 500,000
Current Version 3.4.5
Requires Android A 2.3 and up
Offered By byss mobile









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