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قديم 03-19-2016, 04:53 PM
تحكم بتلفازك عن بعد باستخدام هاتفك Universal TV Remote Control v1.0.8

Universal TV Remote Control v1.0.8

Galaxy S4 , mini , Active , Zoom,S5,MEGA,Note 3,4,Note 8.0 , 10.1
Galaxy Tab 7.0 , 7.7 plus,Tab 2 7.0 I705, 10.1,Tab 3 8.0 , 10.1 P5220 , P5200,Tab 4,Tab Pro 8.4 , 10.1

Universal Remote Control free app for TV , Air Conditioner , DVD Player , Blu Ray , Cable Satellite Set top box ,
Media player , Home cinema , Hi Fi , Car audio , DSLR Camera , Game console , RGB LEDs and many other devices.

GUI REMOTES. You can change the device with the red setup button and then press choose remote. Select your device from big scrollable pop up list with many brands.
Scanner tools to find your no common device. TVs : Samsung , LG , Sony , Toshiba , Sharp , Panasonic , Dynex , Funai , Philips , Insignia , Emerson , AOC , Telefunken , Grundig , Hyundai , RCA , Sanyo , Sylvania , Vizio , NEC , Matsui , Mitsubishi , Marantz , Westinghouse , Akai , Acer , Beko , Bush , Dell , JVC , Hitachi , OKI , Hisense , Magnavox , Matsushita , Sansui , Tatung , Tesla , Orion , Zenith , TCL , Videocon , Schaub Lorenz , Sansui , Sceptre , Sagem , Skyworth , Snowa , Coby , Devant , Spectroniq , Fisher , Advent , Goodmans , Manta , Provision , Teletech , Laurus , Technika and many others. Cable boxes : Motorola , Scientific Atlanta , ATT U Verse , Dish network , Comcast , Time Warner , Humax , Pace and many others.
Climate devices and A/C Scanners with up to 1000 codes. Carrier , Panasonic , Mitsubishi, Gree, Trane, Daikin, Toshiba, Midea , Whirpool , Haier , Hitachi , Electra , Sanyo , Sharp , York , Toyotomi , Fujitsu and others. DSLR : Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Sony, Olympus, Minolta, Fuji shutter button. It works with the built-in IR ( Infrared ) transmitter









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