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قديم 03-27-2016, 06:32 PM
تطبيق تعديل الصور الرائع Photo Editor Pro 1.8.7 APK أحدث إصدار للأندرويد

Photo Editor Pro 1.8.7 APK

Adjust color, add effects, rotate, crop, resize, frame, clone, and draw on your photos. Color adjustment options include hue, saturation, contrast, and brightness. Additionally, Photo Editor offers a large variety of effects for your photos including gamma correction, auto contrast, auto tone, blur, sharpen, oil paint, sketch, black & white high contrast, sepia, and more.

The easy touch and pinch-to-zoom interface makes it simple to play with your photos and get the exact look you desire. Edit photos from your gallery and camera.

Adjust color, add effects, frame, clone and draw on your photos
Curves interface that allows fine-tuning of colors
Drawing mode, adding text or images
Easy rotation, crop or resize of photos
Perspective, red-eye, and backlight corrections
Easily edit with the touch and pinch-to-zoom interface
Use photos from your gallery and camera
Save images in JPEG, PNG, GIF, WebP and PDF. Flexible control of JPEG quality.
View, edit, or delete EXIF data
Save your final result to your gallery, as wallpaper, or on your SD card
Share photos via e-mail, Picasa, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Crop(Puzzle), Compress to ZIP, Create PDF, Animated GIF
Webpage Capture, Video Capture(ICS+)
Ad-free option is available (Settings -> Purchase Items)


Additional information

Updated March 18, 2016
Size 4M
Installs 10,000,000 - 50,000,000
Current Version 1.8.7
Requires Android A 4.0 and up
Offered By dev.macgyver







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