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العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. عيون الاقسام المخفية.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > اخبار التعليم ,مواهب, بحوث, جامعات, معاهد, دورات و شهادات دولية اونلاين

اخبار التعليم ,مواهب, بحوث, جامعات, معاهد, دورات و شهادات دولية اونلاين القسم يهتم بالمواضيع التثقيفية واخبار التعليم والدورات التعليمية وتبادل الخبارت وتطوير المواهب في مجال التعليم (معاهد-جامعات-شهادات اونلاين) و يهتم بالطلاب المتخرجين و منحهم الفرصه لعرض قدراتهم وطرح سيرهم الذاتيه وتبادل الخبرات حول طرق التوظيف و اساليبه

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قديم 05-16-2016, 03:06 PM
#Piping_and_Pipelines_network_design, #optimization_and_simulation #Dubai #Qatar #Egypt

International Training and Consultation Center Announces a Training Course Entitled

#Piping_and_Pipelines_network_design, #optimization_and_simulation

#Dubai #Qatar #Egypt

Course Objectives

 The pipeline networks expanded rapidly all over the world when it became apparent that pipelines are an efficient, economic way to move oil, gas, and petroleum products to consumers. The large discoveries of oil and gas, many of them in remote areas of little local demand, promoted this pipeline expansion. More challenges face the pipeline industry. So, good understanding of pipeline systems will help tackling these challenges.
 This course deals with the design, construction of both gas and liquid pipeline systems. An overview of pipeline industry is discussed. Participants will have acquire and/or consolidate the essential knowledge and skills to design and construct pipelines. This will allow them to contribute to cost effective, safe and sound-design of pipelines.
 Pipelines network design
 Analyses and optimize network performance through computer simulation
 Simulate the pipelines , performance and troubleshooting
 Simulate hydrate formation , slug problem
 Analyses the flow equipments operation ( pumps , compressor , fitting , valves ) by simulation softwares

Who Should Attend

 Managers, engineers, operators, supervisors, inspectors, equipment suppliers, or those who wish to be familiar with pipeline systems
 Operations personnel who are involved in the use of pipelines either liquid or gases or network system
 Design engineers who are involved in the design, modification or repair of pipelines or network system
 Maintenance personnel who are involved in or responsible for the routine maintenance of the network system
 Safety engineers who are involved in the continuing assessment of the pipelines system as a safe means of transportation
 Environmental engineers

 All participants with full attendance will receive a CERTIFICATE of COMPLETION from ITCC .
ITCC will Cover the cost for the:
 Course Materials
 Certificates
 COFFEE Break
 Training Bag
 Participants Evaluations
 Trainers’ Expenses
 Transportation From & To airport
 Training Tools (LCD Projector, Flip Charts, Pens & Writing Pad
. Training method
 To ensure the success of the program in a manner distinct and provide the greatest possible active participation will be the use of multiple and modern methods during the program period, including:
 Review and put the program topics effectively with the opportunity for the participants in the discussion and dialogue open manner.
 Preparation process sessions and practical workshops for the participants
 Cases, the use of scientific and practical applications
 Practical exercises within work groups
 Different questionnaire forms

Payment method
 Cash / Bank transfer / Bank check
We Hope To Receive Your Answer In The Near Future
To Register, please call or send an E-mail
Mr / Islam Elsaidy
رد مع اقتباس
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