05-23-2016, 03:12 PM
دورات البترول Oil courses يهديكم المركز الدولي للتدريب والاستشارات ارقي تحياتة ويدعوكم للتسجيل في احدي دوراتة التدريبية كما يسعدنا ويشرفنا ان نقدم لسيادتكم دورات البترول Oil courses :
دورات البترول Oil courses 1. 0Piping and Pipelines network design 2. Advanced Corrosion Management 3. Advanced Gas liquid separation 4. advanced Heat Transfer Equipment Operation, Startup and Commissioning 5. Advanced LPG Technology 6. Advanced LPG, NGL and LNG Technology 7. Advanced Natural Gas Processing, Start up, Shutdown, Troubleshooting and Special Problems 8. advanced oil refinery technology for Technicians 9. Advanced Oil Treatment technology 10. Advanced Paraffin and Asphaltenes In Crude Oils 11. Advanced Process Plant Operations, Troubleshooting and Special Problems 12. Basic of Petrochemicals Industry 13. Basics of Crude Oil Separation, Desalting and Stabilization 14. Basics of Fertilizers Industry 15. Basics of Natural Gas Processing 16. Boiler Feed Water Treatment, Steam Generation and Distribution Systems 17. C5-C6 ISOMERIZATION PROCESS OPERATIONS TRAINING 18. Catalyst in oil and gas industry 19. Catalyst in Refinery industry 20. catalytic reforming technology Training Outlines 21. Chemical laboratory in Petroleum Industry 22. chemical treatment for oil and gas field 23. choice and evaluation chemical treatment for oil and gas field (2) 24. choice and evaluation chemical treatment for oil and gas field 25. Computer Aided Process Engineering and Simulation 26. Continuous catalyst regeneration (CCR) 27. Cooling water and Fire water Protection Systems 28. Corrosion & Corrosion Control Fundamentals in Oil & Gas Field 29. Crude Oil & Petroleum Products Analysis & Quality Control 30. Crude Oil Classification, Assays, Products Specification and Testing 31. Crude oil dehydration and desalting (1) 32. Crude oil properties and oil treatment course 33. Crude Oil Testing & Equipment 34. DCS Simulator for Process Panel Operators 35. Desalination (RO, MSF Units, Vapor Compression) 36. Distillation operation%2ccontrol%2ctroupleshooting 37. Distillation operation,control,troupleshooting 38. Emergency and Process Shut-down (ESD and PSD) 39. Fire Protection Systems 40. fired heater operation and troupleshooting 41. fired heater 42. Flare System, Operations and Design 43. Fundamental of catalyst in oil & gas Industry 44. Fundamentals of Corrosion & Corrosion Control 45. Fundamentals of Equipment in Oil & Gas Industry 46. Fundamentals of Ethylene & Propylene, Polypropylene and Polyethylene Industry 47. Fundamentals of Heat Transfer Equipment Operation, Startup and Commissioning 48. Fundamentals of Process equipments 49. Fundaments of Chemical Engineering 50. Gas Dehydration Technology, Hydrocarbon Dew Point Control Technology 51. gas dehydration technology 52. Gas Dryer Operation, Design, Regeneration, Logic and Troubleshooting 53. Gas Field Refrigeration Systems 54. gas liquid separation 55. Gas Plant (Troubleshooting & Special Problems 56. Gas Processing %28Dehydration & Sweetening%29 57. Gasoline blending (refinery specific practices) 58. GTL Technology 59. Hazards Area Classification, Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment 60. HAZID, HAZAN and HAZOP Studies 61. HAZOP application in oil and gas level 1 62. HAZOP Practical Study Level 1,2 63. Heat exchangers operation, design and maintenance 64. Heat Transfer Equipment Operation and Troubleshooting 65. Hydrocarbon losses management 66. hydrocarbon losses 67. hydrocarbon storage ,transportation 68. Hydrocarbons Pipelines Design and Operation (Crude Oil, Petroleum Products, Natural gas) 69. hydrocarnons losses 70. hydrocracking process 71. Hydrogen Plant Unit (HPU & PSA) 72. hydrotreating technology Training Outlines 73. Incinerators 74. Instruments and Plant Utility Air Systems, Nitrogen Generation, and Fuel Gas Utility Systems 75. Introduction to oil refining 76. LPG technology 77. MEROX process & technology 78. Natural Gas Processing Technology 79. Oil & Gas Pipelines hydraulics and Sizing Calculations 80. Oil & Gas Processing Simulation and Calculation 81. Oil & Gas Storage, Shipping and Utilization 82. Oil and Gas industry Waste Disposal 83. Oil Refinery LP Modelling and Economics 84. Oil Refinery Product Treatment 85. Oil Refinery Product Treatment 86. OJT Distillation operation,control,troupleshooting 87. OJT in Crude Oil & Product Storage and Transportation Unit 88. OJT in Refinery Utilities Unit 89. OJT on C5-C6 ISOMERIZATION PROCESS OPERATIONS TRAINING 90. OJT on catalytic reforming technology Training Outlines 91. Overview of Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals 92. Petroleum Crude and Products Storage Systems 93. petroleum oil and gases wastes and disposal 94. Petroleum Products & Refining Processes for Operation 95. petroleum refinery for technical persons 96. petroleum refinery wastes and disposal 97. Piping and Pipelines network design (2) 98. Piping and Pipelines network design 99. Planned Shutdown and Critical Activities, Isolation, Startup & Commissioning 100. Planned shutdown management Outlines 101. Positive displacement pump technology 102. Pressure Relief Systems and Flare systems, Operation, Design, Startup, Troubleshooting and Shutdown 103. Process Calculations & Simulation by HYSIS 104. Process calculations basic 105. Process equipments (selection, sizing, operation and troubleshooting) 106. Process Flares and recovery system 107. Process hand Calculations 108. Process Operations (for Technicians) 109. Process Panel Operator Assessment (Software) 110. Process plant design 111. Process Plant Operations, Troubleshooting and Special Problems 112. Process Plant start up, shutdown and Troubleshooting & Engineering Problem Solving 113. process plant troubleshooting 114. pumps. technology and pumping system 115. pumps. technology process overview 116. pumps. Technology 117. Refinery-Petrochemical Integration & Economics (Repaired) 118. Refinery-Petrochemical Integration & Economics 119. steam traps and pipelines 120. Sulphur Recovery and Solidification 121. Surface Facilities Production Operations 122. TOWER INTERNALS1 123. Understanding and Interpreting Technical Drawings (P&ID, PFD and UFD) and Documentation 124. Utilities and Environment protection in Refineries 125. Utilities in Process Plants 126. Waste Water Treatment Systems 127. Water Analysis and Quality Control 128. Water Injection and Effluent Waste Water Treatment Facilities 129. اساسيات عمليات تكرير البترول 130. الاتجاهات الحديثه فى صناعات تكرير البترول 131. التحاليل الكيماويه في صناعه البترول ومراقبه جوده المنتجات البتروليه 132. التطفئة الإعتيادية و الاضطرارية و اعادة التشغيل 133. السلامة و الصحة المهنية في المنشآت الصناعية 134. دراسه مخطط تظفئه وتشغيل الوحدات الانتاجيه والانشطه الحرجه فى صناعه البترول 135. معالجه المياه وتقييم المواد الكيمياويه المضافه لها 136. نقل وتخزين المنتجات البتروليه تخفيضات خاصة للمجموعات والجهات والهيئات الحكومية والخاصة. للتسجيل والاستفسار ومعرفة المحتوي العلمي يرجي التواصل: الأستاذ /محمد عادل موبايل – فاييبر – واتس اب / 00201220160372 البريد الالكتروني / m.adel@itcegy.com تعقد الدورات في الدول الاتية: (دبي- تركيا- ماليزيا - مصر (القاهرة - الاسكندرية - شرم الشيخ) - فيينا – الاردن - المغرب - لندن - قطر- النمسا- مدريد - باريس- تونس - لبنان - جاكرتا - السعودية (الرياض - جدة - الدمام - الخبر) - نيويورك - واشنطن - سويسرا) ويمكننا عقد الدورات حسب التاريخ والدولة المناسبة لسيادتكم ايضا للاستفسار عن المحتوى العلمي والتسجيل يسعدنا تواصلكم معنا محمد عادل
Mohamed Adel
Training Supervisor
Int'l Training & Consultation Center
Email:m.adel@itcegy.com ولكم مني جزيل الشكر والتقدير,,, |