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قديم 06-04-2016, 10:35 PM
غير شكل هاتفك الآندرويد مع مجموعة الآيقونات Stock UI - Icon Pack v111.0

Stock UI - Icon Pack v111.0 APK

Introducing Stock UI : This icon pack is the result of almost 2 years of constant updates, where skills and design techniques improved. Unique shape with washed colours and 3d effect, this is a must have pack. My philosophy is focused on customers and that's why i preferred to revamp the entire pack instead of work on a new one.
Enjoy the original, classic, Stock UI - The New One.

3000+ HD Icons
Icon Masking for unthemed apps
22 Cloud Wallpapers - for tablets i suggest you to download to sd and then set manually
Muzei Support
Behang Support for BLink
Dynamic Calendars
Alternative Drawer & App icons
Icons Request - note that only most requested ones will be added each week
Works with those launchers: Nova/Apex/Adw/Atom/Holo/ActionPro/Trebuchet/Go/Smart/Unicon (Icon Themer)/Aviate/Next/Inspire/KK/Nine
Compatible with CM12 Theme Chooser
Compatible with LG Home launcher
Compatible with Xperia launcher (newer Marshmallow version)

Widgets that appear in screenshots are from my Phoenix Zooper app
Go users : currently it doesn't support icon masking. Go to preferences -> Icons -> TICK OFF "show icon base




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مجموعة خلفيات لأجهزة الأندرويد عالية الدقة Android Wallpapers Pack 1 ad33 أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 1 05-24-2014 07:54 AM

الساعة الآن 04:37 PM.

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