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مدونات الأعضاء دفتر يوميات الأعضاء خاص بالعضو ذاته ولا يحق لأي عضو الرد أو التعقيب قسم يسمح للأعضاء بإضافة تدويناتهم اليومية الخاصة لمشاركتها مع مئات الآلاف من الاعضاء والزوار يومياً .. مدونات - مدونة

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قديم 07-16-2016, 04:15 AM
Be careful who you give your heart to
Because when you give your heart to someone
You also gave them the power to hurt you

Thank you HALA Again x2
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-17-2016, 10:11 PM
An Innocent smile

Hi Everyone I'm sorry I can't ne here constantly but I will try to open everyday
I think I'm going to be much far away from the subject of the blog "The "Death Note
But whatever I'm going to write my feelings the bad ones and the good ones
or anything that happens with me and I felt that I need to share
I was angry mad sad I had a cocktail of feelings
I was walking In the street with my earphones of course the loud music never left me
After hours of walking i saw a little girl around 5 or 6 years old
her both arms were busy the right one is holding her fathers hand the other one is broken
she was looking to the ground anyone can find out that she was sad or disappointed
when she raised her head i got stunned
her beauty wasn't normal like she is a fallen angel
i stopped walking i couldn't hear my loud music
i was living the moment
and then she looked at me with her innocent face
her hair was tall
and her eyes is like the a picture of the whole universe
she was uniquely beautiful
when she looked at me I was still staring at her face
and then unexpected movement of my own muscles
I Smiled
I didn't realize what I'm doing my body was paralyzed
I couldn't help myself
I had to smile
I was like a fool
but she smiled back
when she smiled I had the most amazing feeling in the world
for the first time in my life I felt a strong power
the power of happiness
we kept smiling for a few seconds and then she passed by
I couldn't help myself
I was weak in front of her innocence
then I gathered myself and I kept walking
I didn't experience that feeling in my life that was the first time
I learnt something today
I learnt about he power of an innocence smile
I don't know why I had to share this but I hope that somebody out there could do the same
just smile
you may change your whole life or others because of one innocent smile
this is the power of the innocent smile

Thank you HALA Again x2
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-17-2016, 10:19 PM
البنفسجي يليق بيcool1

Thank you HALA Again x2
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قديم 07-17-2016, 10:50 PM
lightness and darkness is in us we choose who we will be
based on our perspective of life

Thank you HALA Again x2
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-18-2016, 01:26 AM
وصلت المدونة الف اعجاب
شكرا لكل المتابعين اذا في اي نقد احكولي عادي بستقبل جميع انواع النقد حتى لو كان محبط

Thank you HALA Again x2
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~.. My Darkness Life..~ Niti Uchiha محاولاتك الشعرية 3 07-20-2010 12:16 PM

الساعة الآن 10:08 PM.

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