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قديم 11-04-2016, 06:33 PM
لا يوجد هدف
لا يوجد غاية
لا يوجد رغبة
ولا حتى امل
هذه النهاية.
آسف جميعا

Thank you HALA Again x2
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-18-2016, 11:57 PM
The End is Near
my killer is right next to me
he came with a smile on his face
telling me everything is going to be okay
i was happy because i will finally going to have
my salvation, he stabbed me in the heart
the first thing i saw was my memory tape
it was short and deceptive
it ended i felt so cold, After all we are in january
but i was very cold even i couldn't move any part of my body
except my eyes
he's gone and i'm alone in the dark forest
no one is here to help, and my voice is weak
everything is turning to black
i didn't have the time to say what i wanted
and i didn't have the time to do what i needed to do
in the end it all became black
i couldn't see anything
i was able to hear my breath fighting hard to stay
my lungs were hurting me
This is it. I wanted it from the beginning
why am i crying what did i do wrong
many questions came to my head but
it's time to let go , there's no more answers
the final beat came
i heard a voice not my heartbeat and not my body
but it's familiar, the last time i heard this voice was
many years ago.
i felt warm when the last words i heard were
"Don't leave me, Not Again"

Thank you HALA Again x2
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-10-2016, 10:28 PM
The last heartbeat came
And the warmth is still
Surrounding me like an aura of energy
The last voice I heard was familiar
I knew that voice many years ago
?But I wondered why now
?And how
I wanted to talk and I wanted to see
But I was paralysed
I couldn't move my eyelids
I remembered some of my old memories
I saw the whole forest from the window
It was a rainy month, the rain didn't stop
Since two days and it's still coming down
Her soft hand went over my face
She told me that with her warm voice
"The dinner is ready"
We had a nice warm meal before I got ready to leave
She gave me the goodbye kiss
And I gave her the same
"Take care, call me when you arrive "
These were the last words I heard from her
.Back to reality, I felt a warm hand shaking my body
! I was still alive
It was her hand, I can never forget her soft touch
.Or the warmth of her hand
She was the light for my darkness
I heard her calling my name, She told me to
Open my eyes but I was paralysed
I tried and I fought like a spartan
Just to move my eyelids, I just wanted to see her face
I want to see the light when I fall in darkness
I opened my eyes heavily, my vision was disturbed But it
.slowly came back, with heavy And a long breaths
Her brown skin was going red from the cold
.And her black eyes was full of tears
I forgot all the pain and all the sorrows when
I saw her face one more time
It was like seeing light for the first time in my life
I ignored the tears coming down my skin
And I enjoyed feeling her maroon hair touching my
.Cold skin, I was happy, I smiled like the dead
But I knew that I don't have much time
My body was telling me to let go, but my heart was
Saying stay, stay, stay like he was encouraging me
Then the terrifying look appeared on her face
.I was letting go, I accepted it
I knew that I have to say something
A word from a million that I didn't say
:I smiled and I Said
".Don't cry, I will be with you, soon"

Thank you HALA Again x2
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-12-2016, 03:11 PM
:6: Hahahahaha You fool

Thank you HALA Again x2
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-12-2016, 09:19 PM
One day you'll find out why

Thank you HALA Again x2
رد مع اقتباس
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الساعة الآن 08:13 AM.

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