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الهواتف النقالة قسم يهتم بجميع الاجهزة النقالة الحديثة بطرح البرامج الداعمة لها وطرح الجديد من اخبارها وصورها الخاصة

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قديم 06-30-2016, 07:42 PM
عملاق تحميل ملفات التورنت الرائع BitTorrent Pro v3.15 للأندوريد احدث اصدار

BitTorrent Pro – Torrent App v3.15 APK

From the team that invented the BitTorrent protocol and BitTorrent software, the BitTorrent torrent app for Android is a beautifully simple way to discover and download media, anywhere.

Latest updates:
(NEW) Save to external SD cards (Solution for Google/KitKat external SD card restrictions)
(NEW) Integrated media player for a better music listening experience

This recently-updated torrent downloader app for Android reflects your input– we’ve modernized our look, and added in top-requested features including
Beautifully simple, clean design
Select files within a torrent, to minimize your storage footprint for downloads
Choose your torrent download location, to help you stay organized
Choose between deleting torrents only, or torrents + files
Along the way, we’ve improved overall performance and stability. And if you haven’t tried this torrent download Android app, we’ll help you get started; the V2 app features updated onboarding. It’s easier than ever to download a torrent.

To get the best performance and avoid running up your data charges with your downloads, we recommend taking advantage of Wifi-only mode whenever possible.

Additional Features:
- No speed limits and no size limits when you download torrents
- The very latest in core torrenting technology, continuously updated by dedicated torrent core engineers to maximize performance
- Wifi-only mode option to save money on your mobile data plan
- Access torrents with licensed content from BitTorrent’s content partners such as Moby and Public Enemy– from the get-go.
- Download a torrent w/ magnet links
- Downloaded more than one music file in a torrent? Play them all at once as a playlist
- Subscribe to RSS feeds
It’s all super-fast, super-easy, and super-free
Make your Android device so much more fun

What’s in this version :
core & DHT fixes
tools update
Requires : Android Varies With Device


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