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قديم 02-01-2008, 03:28 PM
برنامج FantasyDVD Player Platinum 9 2008 مشغل افلام و dvd اخر اصدار

تحميل برنامج FantasyDVD Player Platinum 9 2008 مشغل افلام و dvd اخر اصدار
برنامج FantasyDVD Player Platinum 9.4.2 Build 0115 عملاق تشغيل الصوت والدي في دي برنامج FantasyDVD Player Platinum من اقوى برامج تشغيل فيديو DVD بكل جودة ونقاوة في الصوت والصورة .. البرنامج يشغل اكثر من 70 صيغة من صيغ الفيديو ts, tp, trp mpeg2 HDTV, wmv HDTV and mkv, mka, mks formats HDTV. Its ..البرنامج يدعم الكثير من الصيغ برنامج فضيع حقاً واكثر من رائع وسيكون مميز في جهازك متوافق مع Windows 2K/XP/2003

FantasyDVD is a exquisite and powerful software DVD player. Have with the same features and controls of the living- room DVD player and support over 70 type video and audio media files. Support the ts, tp, trp mpeg2 HDTV, wmv HDTV and mkv, mka, mks formats HDTV. Its advanced video and audio technologies deliver the highest quality viewing and listening experience possible on the PC.
FantasyDVD has a perfect DVD navigation system, rich audio and video effects, is stable and easy use, and can meet all the demands of DVD playing. Supports 2 - 7.1 channel audio output, dolby ProLogic, Dolby ProLogicII and SRS TruSurround XT audio output mode. Supports Low frequency effect (LFE), High frequency effect (HFE), 10 Band Equalizer, Echo\Delay etc.s expansion function.

Whether watching DVD movies on your laptop as you travel, using your computer as a second DVD player for your kids or watching a movie on your desktop as you work, FantasyDVD lets you get the most out of any computer with a DVD drive. In addition to all the features you find in your home entertainment DVD player, FantasyDVD gives you advanced functionality not possible on your living room DVD player, such as time-stretching, zooming and panning and thumbnail bookmarks. FantasyDVD allows you to customize your video and audio preferences for a personalized movie watching experience.
FantasyDVD automatically determines the type of disc in your DVD drive and uses the correct playback method for DVD titles, video CDs, or audio CDs. Play at normal speed, or fit the movie into the time you have available to watch it! Time stretching lets you decide how long the movie takes to view. If a DVD has it, FantasyDVD can handle it. FantasyDVD recognizes all of the author's DVD features and lets you access them through the FantasyDVD user interface.
FantasyDVD includes the following main features:

Rich Audio Effect:

· Features Multi-channel Environment Impression technology , an audio channel expansion technology that converts stereo sound to a multiple-channel output.
· Supports 2 - 7.1 channel audio output, dolby ProLogic, Dolby ProLogicII and SRS TruSurround XT audio output mode.
· Supports Low frequency effect(LFE), High frequency effect(HFE), 10 Band Equalizer, EchoDelay etc.s expansion function, according to own habit changes sound effect.
· Supports video/audio synchronization regulate, Make video/audio synchronize.
Rich Video Effect:
· FantasyDVD's improved color controls are like those on a standard television set. No more confusing settings. Everything is straightforward and easy to use.
· Smart aspect ratio, 4:3, 16:9, 1.66:1, various stretch, make you enjoy the DVD or media files and can acquire the best visual effect regardless.
· Digital zoom at 2X to 10X equipped with ******** indicator. zoom closer into the viewing area. Pan around within the zoomed are to see exactly what you want to see at exactly the level of detail you want to see it.

FantasyDVD Support the following media types:
· DVD Audio Files (*.ac3;*.dts;*.dtswav).
· DVD Audio Object Files (*.aob).
· DVD Video Object Files (*.vob).
· GZ-MC Music Files (*.mod;*.mdz;*.stm;*.stz;*.s3m;*.s3z;*.it;*.itz;*. xm;*.xmz;*.mtm).
· MPEG Video Files (*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.mpe).
· RealOne Media Files (*.ra;*.rpm;*.rm;*.rmvb;*.ram;*.rpx;*.rt;*.rp;*.sm i;*.smil).
· MPEG1 Audio Files (*.mp1;*.mp2;*.mp3;*.mpa).
· MPEG1 Video Files (*.m1v).
· MPEG2 Video Files (*.m2p;*.m2v).
· MPEG2 HDTV Files (*.ts;*.tp;*.trp).
· MPEG4 Video Files (*.mp4;*.div;*.divx;*.avi).
· Windows Media Files (*.wm;*.wma;*.wmv).
· MIDI Music Files (*.midi;*.mid;*.rmi;*.kar).
· Waveform Audio Files (*.wav).
· OGG Audio File (*.ogg;*.ogm).
· AU Media Files (*.au;*.snd).
· AIFF Media Files (*.aif;*.aifc;*.aiff).
· FLAC Audio Files (*.flac).
· Matrosky Files (*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks).
· Monkey's Audio Files (*.ape;*.apl;*.mac).
· VideoCD Files (*.dat).
· Picture Files (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif).
Features and Improved of include:
- Add MPEG2 HDTV Files (*.ts;*.tp;*.trp) Supports.
- Add Microsoft HDTV Files (*.wmv) Supports (need the windows media player 9.0 or Higher).
- Add Matrosky HDTV Files (*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks) Supports.
- Supports 2 - 7.1 channel sound cards and output on up to 7.1 discrete audio channels.
- Supports Surround/ProLogic, Dolby ProLogicII Audio Mode, Certified Dolby Virtual Speaker technology allows you to experience virtual surround sound through 2 speakers.
- Supports TruSurroundXT(tm) Headphone, based on SRS TruSurroundXT technology, provides an optimized headphone environment. It features TruSurround, Dialog Clarity Enhancement, and TruBass technologies that bring virtual surround and virtual bass experiences to your headphones.
- Special 10 Band Equalizer for DVD playback.
- Supports True Bass \ Treble Enhancer.
- Supports Karaoke features.
- Supports Dynamic Skins.
- Add Mouse Wheel and keyboard control.
- Fixed problem in exterior subtitle, supports unicode.
- Improved shortcut function, Better keyboard operation.
- Improved audio system, supports virtual space effect and virtual environment effect.
- Add X264 format Support.
- Optimized and improved operation of user interface.
Add the user define video aspect ratio features.

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Size: 5.81 MB
FantasyDVD Player Platinum 9

FantasyDVD Player Platinum 9 2008
بيانات تسجيل البرنامج
User Name: Twisted EndZ
Email Address: TE2007@email.com
Order ID: 2007
Product Key: Don't Hate The Hacker, Hate The Code
Activate Key: 45A7571FCE17A42D19042C0311A08D9CE7F5AE88

تحميل برنامج FantasyDVD Player Platinum 9 2008 مشغل افلام و dvd اخر اصدار

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التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة عبدالرحمن الحربي ; 02-01-2008 الساعة 07:37 PM
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قديم 02-01-2008, 09:10 PM
رد: برنامج FantasyDVD Player Platinum 9 2008 مشغل افلام و dvd اخر اصدار

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قديم 02-26-2008, 12:54 PM
رد: برنامج FantasyDVD Player Platinum 9 2008 مشغل افلام و dvd اخر اصدار

:00: :00: thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu
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قديم 03-05-2008, 11:27 PM
رد: برنامج FantasyDVD Player Platinum 9 2008 مشغل افلام و dvd اخر اصدار

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