09-11-2009, 03:46 PM
رد: Download Msn Messenger 9.0 اقتباس:
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابو خالد
download msn messenger 9.0 ماسنجر تسعه 9 اصدار اخير حمل نسختك الان نسخة كاملة وجديدة وحصرية تحميل ماسنجر 9 انجليزي تحميل ماسنجر تسعه الجديد download windows live messenger 9 .0.1407.1107 مميزات ماسنجر 9 ماسنجر 9 download windows live messenger 9.0 beta ويندوز لايف ماسنجر 9 ماسنجر تسعة اصدار كامل مكمل بحجم 17 ميجا ماسنجر 9 له مميزات كثيرة مثل السابق مثل ارسال رسالة اوف لاين و مثل قبول اضافة من ماسنجر ياهو yahoo والدخول اوف لاين ومشاهدة من هم متواجدين دون ان يعلموا بوجودك انت والكثير ولكن التطوير في الرقع الامنية وفي التعديل في الشكل الخارجي له وبعض الخواص الاخرى ومن المعروف ان ماسنجر ويندوز لايف ماسنجر windows live messenger 9 تقوم ببرمجة شركة msn او هي نفسها hotmail هوت مايل, لا يوجد منافس قوي له الا ماسنجر ياهو الشهير yahoo messenger ميسنجر رائع ومميز ويستحق ان يقتنيه كل شخص windows xp/vista download windows live messenger 9 .0.1407.1107 ta da! It’s the next-generation msn messenger. Along with everything you already love about messenger—your contact list, emoticons, instant access to your friends—there are brilliant new ways to connect and share your photos (and other stuff). As always, windows live messenger is free to download messenger and use most of its features. features * sign-in and messaging in multiple ********s - you asked for it, now you have it! You can now sign into messenger from more than one computer at a time, up to four at once. Simply sign into messenger from one computer, install messenger on another computer and sign in using the same account. (only works if all computers are running messenger 9.0 beta. Currently enabled only for users whose windows live id country is us or canada.) * signature sounds – pick your own personal sound that your contacts will hear when you sign into messenger (only works if you and your contacts have messenger 9.0 beta). * per contact sounds - pick unique sounds for each of your contacts. You will be able to tell from across the room who is sending you a message. * spim reporting - if users send you unsolicited messages or invitations that you consider spam, you can block them and report them as spammers. If you report a user as a spammer, the messenger service will collect this data and put appropriate restrictions on the spammer accounts. All reports of spammers are kept confidential. * animated display pictures – show your moves! Messenger now supports animated .gif files as display pictures. * link in personal status message – urls in personal status messages are hot and clickable in the messenger contact list. * behind the scenes changes – architectural changes that modified how things work but shouldn’t have changed how things look o changes to sign-in, connectivity, presence, sending text im’s, voice & video features o windows live contacts server – wlcomm.exe runs in the background to keep your contacts’ information up-to-date and helps messenger sign you in faster screens download windows live messenger 9 .0.1407.1107 download windows live messenger 9 .0.1407.1107 download windows live messenger 9 .0.1407.1107 download تحميل البرنامج http://rapidshare.com/files/88216758/wlm_9.rar او http://www.jsoftj.com/old_files/w-l-...-messenger.rar
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