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قديم 02-13-2008, 10:34 PM
برنامج Kaspersky AntiVirus Final + Keys برنامج كاسبر سكاي ( كسبر سكاي ) اصدار قوي

تحميل برنامج Kaspersky AntiVirus Final + Keys برنامج كاسبر سكاي ( كسبر سكاي ) اصدار قوي
Kaspersky AntiVirus Final + Keys برنامج كاسبر سكاي ( كسبر سكاي ) اصدار قوي برنامج حماية خارق للمألوف كامل هذا الاصدار ولا يحتاج الا للتحميل مباشرة

تحميل برنامج Kaspersky AntiVirus Final + Keys
Award-winning antivirus software which protects your PC from viruses, Trojans, spyware, rootkits and other malicious programs. Reactive detection methods are combined with proactive technologies to provide balanced and effective security, while automatic updates ensure uninterrupted protection and peace of mind.

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus 7.0 provides you with traditional anti-virus protection based on the latest protection technologies. You can work, communicate, surf the internet and play online games on your computer safely and easily.
Product Highlights

* Three protection technologies against new and unknown threats: 1) Hourly automated database updates, 2) Preliminary behavior analysis, 3) On-going behavior analysis. New!
* Protection from viruses, Trojans and worms
* Protection from spyware and adware
* Real-time scanning for email, Internet traffic and files
* Protection from viruses when using ICQ and other IM clients
* Protection from all types of keyloggers. Improved!
* Detection of all types of rootkits. Improved!
* Automatic database updates

Additional Features

* Rollback of unwanted changes on your computer
* Self-defense of the antivirus program from being disabled or stopped
* Tools for creating a Rescue Disk
* Free technical support

Comprehensive anti-virus protection

Email protection. Your email is secure no matter which email program you use because Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 scans email traffic in real-time: POP3, IMAP and NNTP for outgoing mail and SMTP for incoming mail. Moreover, Kaspersky Anti-Virus comes with plug-ins and disinfection routines for email databases for popular email programs such as Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express.

Real-time Internet traffic scanning. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 scans all HTTP Internet traffic in real-time no matter which browser you use. Malicious programs are detected before they are able to infect your computer. You can use the Internet for business or pleasure and still be secure.

On-access and on-demand file scanning. You can scan any and all areas on your computer from individual files to drives to removable storage media. You can also chose to scan only critical areas such as start up objects, which are a favorite target for virus writers.
Security for your data

Prevents criminals from harvesting your data. Many of today’s Trojans and keyloggers are designed to send your data to third parties without your knowledge or consent. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 detects and destroys such programs, making sure that your data stays where it belongs until you decide to share it.

Rollback of malicious changes. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 monitors system and application behavior for suspicious behavior. Once malicious behavior is detected, the process is blocked and all of the changes are rolled back, leaving you with a clean system and your original data intact.
Stability and critical protection

Rescue disk. Creating a rescue disk is quick and easy using the built in wizard in Kaspersky Anti-Virus. If your computer is ever attacked by a virus, you can restore and disinfect your system right away by yourself using the rescue disk you created even if the operating system has been damaged.

Self-protection. Today virus writers begin their attack on your computer by disabling anti-virus protection. Kaspersky Anti-Virus is designed to block all attempts to disable protection, leaving you to work and play securely.
Simple and Convenient

Quick installation and configuration. Express installation takes only a few minutes of your time. The default settings have been configured to provide best performance and best security, so you only need to install the program and can immediately return to your usual activities. If you enjoy customizing your security, the solution has extensive and flexible configuration options that will allow you to adjust the settings exactly as you like.

Minimal load on your system. A range of technologies ensures that you get the best out from your computer and stay secure: only new and changed files are scanned in real-time; scanning is paused if your other activities require additional resources; default settings for real-time monitoring ensure maximum performance.

Automatic hourly updates. Kaspersky Anti-Virus checks for updates on Kaspersky Lab servers regularly. In case of virus outbreaks the checks are more frequent. All updates are downloaded and installed automatically. You don’t need to worry about a thing.

General Requirements for all Operating Systems

* 50 MB available HDD space
* CD-ROM (if installing from CD)
* Connection to the internet (for product activation)
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 of higher (for product and signature updates via the internet
* Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0

تحميل برنامج Kaspersky AntiVirus Final + Keys

تحميل البرنامج مباشرة من رابيد شير
تحميل الكراك الخاص به
تم منع الكراكات والسريالات والكيجن

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تحميل برنامج Kaspersky AntiVirus Final + Keys

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ماتريكس ; 06-21-2008 الساعة 11:37 PM سبب آخر: حذف رابط الكراك
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 03-18-2008, 08:12 PM
رد: برنامج Kaspersky AntiVirus Final + Keys برنامج كاسبر سكاي ( كسبر سكاي ) اصدار قوي

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-11-2008, 02:25 PM
رد: برنامج Kaspersky AntiVirus Final + Keys برنامج كاسبر سكاي ( كسبر سكاي ) اصدار قوي

بس مش عارف احملة
ياريت تقولولى كيف احملة الكاسبر
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-12-2008, 03:05 PM
رد: برنامج Kaspersky AntiVirus Final + Keys برنامج كاسبر سكاي ( كسبر سكاي ) اصدار قوي

مشكور على الموضوع
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-07-2008, 09:50 PM
رد: برنامج Kaspersky AntiVirus Final + Keys برنامج كاسبر سكاي ( كسبر سكاي ) اصدار قوي

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