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قديم 02-14-2008, 11:22 AM
برنامج PowerDVD 7 برنامج dvd player اي مشغل dvd تحميل مشغل dvd

تحميل برنامج PowerDVD 7 برنامج dvd player اي مشغل dvd تحميل مشغل dvd تنزيل
PowerDVD 7 برنامج dvd player اي مشغل dvd تحميل مشغل dvd
Power DVD Ultra Deluxe v7.3 | Re-upped | 29 January 2008
افضل مشغل دي في دي قم ب تنزيل برنامج دي في دي وهو فعلاً مميز يشغل لك الافلام بوضوح تام ورهيب

تحميل برنامج Power DVD Ultra Deluxe v7.3 | Re-upped | 29 January 2008 تنزيل

تحميل صور

CyberLink PowerDVD 7
No. 1 DVD Experience on the PC
Experience the best in video and audio entertainment
Feel the vibes with true home theater DTS and Dolby audio
Maximize your Notebook's on-the-road performance
Get the smartest movie playback features available
Connect to your UPnP Network and playback media files
Winner of CES Innovations 2007 Design & Engineering Award

INFO:PowerDVD is the latest evolution of the world acclaimed DVD software program that offers maximum video and audio playback entertainment on the PC. It comes complete with numerous customizable video/audio controls that can deliver the highest quality viewing and listening experience. PowerDVD incorporates support for high-definition audio and video, true 8-channel home theater audio playback, virtual surround sound, as well as complete controls and extra features for DVD enthusiasts. CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra - The No.1 Player for High-Definition Movies! Enjoy the ultimate movie experience! * Watch new high-def movies on HD DVDs and Blu-ray Discs * Experience exceptional audio quality with 7.1 home theater audio, and high-definition Dolby Digital Plus and DTS-HD * Enjoy extreme image performancewith optimization for the latest graphics cards * Access interactive movie ******* with support for BD-J and iHD * Play movies with a choice of advanced controls and smart DVD utilities High-Definition Video: HD DVDs and Blu-ray Discs - New movie features and improved image detail Hardware acceleration - Optimization for high-definition graphics processors from Intel, NVIDIA and ATI High-definition format support - Playback of high-def file formats H.264, HD MPEG-2, and WMV-HD Advanced display technologies - Exceptional support for widescreen monitors, including the latest ******* protection standards for digital connectors
Advanced Movie Interactivity: Interactive movie features - BD-J and iHD technology provides links to online *******, games, and other disc extras Next-gen navigation - Overlayed menus, movie bookmarks, and zooming offer new ways to enjoy movie ******* Advanced ******* - Movie commentaries displayed in Picture-in-Picture mode let you watch a movie while referencing ******* like comments from actors and the director Home Theater Audio: High-definition audio technologies - Pure high-definition audio with Dolby Digital Plus, TrueHD, DTS-HD 8-channel surround sound - The ultimate home-theater audio support with true 7.1 channel Dolby Digital EX and 5.1 channel DTS Advanced audio effects - The feeling of surround sound quality via sound systems, headphones, and on notebook PCs, with technologies from Dolby, DTS, and CyberLink Smart DVD Utilities & Advanced Controls: Say-It-Again - Never miss a word with auto dialog looping Read-It-Clearly - Move subtitles from your movie screen See-it-All - Extend your notebook viewing time by saving power and auto-adjusting playback speed Freestyle controls - Choose from 5 UI modes, multiple skins, and colors What's New in CyberLink PowerDVD 7.2 Blu-ray Disc: Audio - New! - DTS-HD - New! - DTS TrueHD - New! - Dolby Digital Plus
- Dolby Digital 5.1 - CLMEI-2 - CyberLink Virtual Speaker - CyberLink Headphone - Pitch scaling technology - Audio equalizer presets - Audio visualizations - Direct 96/24 output - MP3, WAV Video - New! - VC-1 High-Definition Video - -New! - MPEG4 AVC H.264 High-Definition Video - New! - Adaptive CLEV-2 for video quality enhancement - CLPV - Non-linear stretch technology - Video smart de-interlacing Playback Formats - New! - BD-ROM (HDMV Format) - New! - BD-RE (BDAV Format) - New! - VCPS for DVD+R with ******* protection* - New! - CPRM for DVD-R with ******* protection* - DVD-Audio - External subtitles - Blu-ray Disc files (Blu-ray Disc Video) from any folder on your hard drive - DVD files (DVD-Video, DVD-VR, DVD+VR) from any folder on your hard drive Advanced Features
- New! - UPnP Support - Access your media from a Home Network* - New! - Say-It-Again - Automatically repeats the last movie scene - New! - See-It-All - Automatically speeds playback to show as much of the movie as possible - New! - Read-It-Clearly - Moves subtitles from the viewing screen - New! - Freestyle User Interface offers 5 different ways of using CyberLink PowerDVD

تنزيل PowerDVD 7 برنامج dvd player اي مشغل dvd تحميل مشغل dvd


باسورد فك الضغط

تحميل برنامج Power DVD Ultra Deluxe v7.3 | Re-upped | 29 January 2008 تنزيل
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قديم 03-01-2008, 12:31 AM
رد: برنامج PowerDVD 7 برنامج dvd player اي مشغل dvd تحميل مشغل dvd

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قديم 03-02-2008, 01:04 AM
رد: برنامج PowerDVD 7 برنامج dvd player اي مشغل dvd تحميل مشغل dvd

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قديم 05-08-2008, 11:12 PM
رد: برنامج PowerDVD 7 برنامج dvd player اي مشغل dvd تحميل مشغل dvd

:00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: ^45^ ^45^ ^45^ ^45^ ^45^ الرابط ما يشتغل
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-20-2008, 08:01 PM
رد: برنامج PowerDVD 7 برنامج dvd player اي مشغل dvd تحميل مشغل dvd

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