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قديم 02-14-2008, 11:39 AM
برنامج Microsoft FrontPage 2003 فرونت بيج نسخة كاملة و اورجنال Original

تحميل برنامج Microsoft FrontPage 2003 فرونت بيج نسخة كاملة و اورجنال Original
Microsoft FrontPage 2003 نسخة كاملة و اورجنال Original برنامج فرونت بيج الاصدار الرائع منه اصدار 2003 لتصميم صفحات الويب وتحريرها بسهولة فهو برمجته مرئية تضبط كانك في برنامج الوورد مباشرة
Microsoft FrontPage 2003 Original

تحميل برنامج Microsoft FrontPage 2003 تنزيل

FrontPage 2003 provides the features, flexibility, and functionality to help you build better Web sites. It includes the professional design, authoring, data, and publishing tools needed to create dynamic and sophisticated Web sites.
FrontPage 2003 advances your Web development in three key areas.
Designing: Use enhanced design tools to produce better looking Web sites. New layout and graphics tools make it easier to design exactly the site you want.
Coding: Use design tools to generate better code, or expand your code skills. Use built-in scripting tools for interactive results. And with professional coding tools, you can write code faster, more efficiently, and with greater accuracy.
Extending: Connect with people and information in new ways by building Extensible Markup ******** (XML) data-driven Web sites using the first commercially available, completely WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") Extensible Stylesheet ******** Transformations (XSLT) editor. The enhanced publishing features and options help you get your Web pages online more quickly. (Note: XML collaboration requires Microsoft Windows Server 2003)
Design better-looking sites: FrontPage 2003 includes tools and layout and graphics features to help you work faster and design professional Web sites.
Work with graphics from other applications, giving you more control over how images are displayed and saved.
Use dynamic Web templates to modify entire sections of a Web site. By updating the master template, changes are automatically made to all pages linked to that template.
Generate code faster and easier: The design tools in Frontpage 2003 generate efficient and clean Hypertext Markup ******** (HTML), and give you more control over the code. Or, you can apply your coding knowledge by taking advantage of the professional coding tools. With the scripting tools you can create an interactive experience for your audience. And, because the coding tools are easy to work with, you can even use them to start learning HTML.
Coding Tools
Use a split view to see modifications made in the Design View automatically updated in the Code View.
Select, modify, and manipulate tags easily using the Quick Tag Selector and Quick Tag Editor.
Simplify code writing and make it less prone to errors with Microsoft IntelliSense technology. The technology is available for HTML, cascading style sheets, XSLT, Microsoft JScript, and Microsoft ASP.NET.
Remove extraneous code generated by Microsoft Word or other Web authoring programs.
Scripting Tools
Handle XML data and authoring and XSLT formatting directly in the FrontPage WYSIWYG Design view to create XML data-driven Web sites.
Show or hide items or reformats based on data values or position in the data view by using Dynamic conditional formatting.
Build Web Parts Pages by creating Web Parts Zones and inserting and connecting to Web Parts in other products, including Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server "v2.0" Beta 2, Windows SharePoint Services, and FrontPage 2003.
Publishing Technologies
Move files easily between local and remote ********s and publish in both directions.
Connect to remote sites easily with the Web import dialog that simplifies connection types and working with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
Publish to File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) servers from the new Remote Web Site tab.
FrontPage 2003 delivers the features, flexibility, and functionality to help you build superior Web sites. It includes the professional design, authoring, data and publishing tools you need to create dynamic and sophisticated sites. Build data-driven Web sites, enables by Windows SharePoint services Move files easily between local and remote ********s, and publish in both directions.

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قديم 03-17-2008, 05:48 PM
رد: برنامج Microsoft FrontPage 2003 فرونت بيج نسخة كاملة و اورجنال Original

البرنامج عندى مش رادي يحمل
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قديم 03-17-2008, 05:58 PM
رد: برنامج Microsoft FrontPage 2003 فرونت بيج نسخة كاملة و اورجنال Original

أرجو أرسال عنوان الموقع على الأيميل الخاص بى حتى اتمكن من تحميل البرنامج بسرعة وجزاكم الله خيرا
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قديم 03-17-2008, 06:00 PM
رد: برنامج Microsoft FrontPage 2003 فرونت بيج نسخة كاملة و اورجنال Original

لو عندكم برنامج طباعة باللمس عربي كامل ارجو منكم ارساله لي عبر الأميل وشكرا لكم
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-27-2008, 02:14 PM
رد: برنامج Microsoft FrontPage 2003 فرونت بيج نسخة كاملة و اورجنال Original

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