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شروحات وتقارير الالعاب الالكترونية قسم خاص لعشاق أجهزة PS3 & PS4 و ما يتعلق بالألعاب الالكترونية وكل جديد في عالم PS3 & PS4 Xbox One , Xbox 360 وكل ما يتعلق بها من العاب و خدمات ترفيهيه متكاملة

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قديم 08-11-2017, 09:50 PM
Warcraft 3 اطلقت لها ارضي لعب للتجريب

متوفره على الكمبيوتر والماك الأن الاراضي تهدف للتجريب
الأمر غريب ان شركه Blizzard تقوم بتصليح وتجريب لعبه عمرها 15 سنه
يتضح ان الشركه لم تعي ان لعبه بسيطه ستحصل هذه الشهره
هذه التصليحات تضم

  1. Balanced creep camp difficulty progression from early to late game
  2. Balanced creep drop tables for better item progression from early game to late game
  3. Item diversity: Varied Level 1 though 6 charged items and Level 1 through 6 permanent items
  4. Balanced all start locations: total amount and starting distance from lumber, equal amount of spacing, equal size choke points, et cetera
  5. Balanced expansion distance from start locations
  6. Decluttered points of interest to reduce visual competition during gameplay
  7. Retextured map surfaces for better visual clarity – both on screen and mini-map
  8. Minimized the size of trees and doodads that obstructed player view of points of interest
  9. Added cliff lines or deep water to edges of the map – removing hard edges (aesthetic choice for immersion)
  10. Properly placed trees and doodads on the pathing grid: full-cell Medium Grid to half-cell Medium Grid alternate
  11. Removed the rolling shoreline waves from rolling hills to remove the noise the waves created – remains for cliff shores


What you interfere with now is bigger than you can imagine
If you continue you will bring down the heaven's wrath
It's Written
It's their time to give penance
You are but one man
They are no longer your people to save

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سليمان المخلوع مبارك كان على علم بكل رصاصة اطلقت mohamed_atri مواضيع عامة 0 05-27-2011 01:56 AM

الساعة الآن 10:18 AM.

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