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قديم 02-21-2008, 02:18 AM
مشغل mp3 للجوال

تحميل برنامج مشغل mp3 للجوال مشغل mp3 للجوال مشغل mp3 للجوال مشغل mp3 للجوال
تحميل برنامج لتشغيل مشغل mp3 مشغل mp3 مشغل mp3 مشغل mp3 مشغل mp3 مشغل mp3 مشغل mp3
Mp3Player is an MPEG Layer 3 audio player for Symbian Series 60 devices. Supports MPEG-1/2/2.5 files, from 8kHz to 44.1kHz, from 8kbps to 420kpbs


- English, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Italian, Russian;
- plays MP3 files (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-2.5, ABR, VBR);
- 44.1kHz, stereo playback (if phone supports it);
- playlist shows all MP3 files on phone, organized into folders;
- displays IDv1, bitrate, frequency and mono/stereo;
- volume control;
- displays time elapsed and the length of the track;
- easy-to-use, continuous fast-forward and rewind;
- associated to .MP3 files;
- send mp3 files or Mp3Player via Bluetooth, e-mail, infrared;
- full support for Bluetooth headsets; - Equalizer.

MP3 files

Mp3 files may be transferred to the device using the following ways:
- Wireless Link: Requires a PC with an IrDa or Bluetooth port. It is strongly recommended to set the "Memory in use" to the MMC (Menu/Messaging/Options/Settings/Other)! After starting the connection on your phone, use the Wireless Link icon appearing on your PC desktop to send mp3 files to your phone.
- PCSuite: Requires a PC with an IrDa/Bluetooth/USB cable. Install and use the Nokia offical PCSuite software to transfer files to the MMC card (be sure to deactivate the automatic conversion of Mp3 files to WAV files on Nokia 3650!)
- MMC writer. Just copy them to the MMC, into any directory.

Fast forward and rewind

Mp3Player enables an easy-to-use, continuous fast forward and rewind. Just press the ABC or button, and navigate to the exact position using the joystick (left or right). The correct position may be easily determined using the elapsed time diplay and the progress bar.

Compatible Devices

Nokia 3230
Nokia 3600
Nokia 3620
Nokia 3650
Nokia 3660
Nokia 6260
Nokia 6600
Nokia 6620
Nokia 6630
Nokia 6670
Nokia 6680
Nokia 6681
Nokia 6682
Nokia 7610
Nokia 7650
Nokia N-Gage
Nokia N-Gage QD
Nokia N70
Nokia N91 (S60 3rd Edition)
Nokia Series 60
Panasonic X700
Siemens SX1

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