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قديم 06-22-2018, 02:44 AM
استغفر الله والحمدلله ولا اله الاا الله ~


When you're hurt and scared for so long,
the fear and pain turn to hate and
the hate starts to change the world.

تواجدي هووون


او تلغراام هون ~

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-24-2018, 01:33 AM

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك سبحان الله العظيم × ~


When you're hurt and scared for so long,
the fear and pain turn to hate and
the hate starts to change the world.

تواجدي هووون


او تلغراام هون ~

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-28-2018, 07:04 PM


سلِ الله في كلّ صلاةٍ ألا يُذيقك مرارةَ #العودة إلى الصفر أو ما تحته ،
بعد أن #شارفتَ على الوصول💙


When you're hurt and scared for so long,
the fear and pain turn to hate and
the hate starts to change the world.

تواجدي هووون


او تلغراام هون ~

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-28-2018, 07:53 PM


I run, I fall, what ripped away, check my body out
Was it body or soul
The darkness fades, fades to the light
Disappearing now, disappears from the night

And all these nightmares I once had as a child
The morning always came, it came too late
What did my mind forget, forget to hide
Could the nightmare be awake, I don't know

In or out, up or down, never know its an illusion
Round and round, on and on, every day spins my confusion

Not again, not again, not again, this dream I can't awake
What is real, what is real, what is real, it's getting hard for me to take
What I need, what I need, what I need, a little somethin' I rely
And the white sugar gently hides me

Oh the sweet sugar saves me, it's the room that confines me
Confines me...sweet sugar

Yesterday back and forth, broken door no longer opens
Breaking down, need it now, mother's sugar always loves me

Not again, not again, not again, this dream I can't awake
What is real, what is real, what is real, it's getting hard for me to take
What I need, what I need, what I need, a little somethin' I rely
And the white sugar gently hides me

Oh the sweet sugar saves me, it's the room that confines me


When you're hurt and scared for so long,
the fear and pain turn to hate and
the hate starts to change the world.

تواجدي هووون


او تلغراام هون ~

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-28-2018, 11:06 PM
حال الطلاب يلي منزلين صيفي "(

^ تمثلني


When you're hurt and scared for so long,
the fear and pain turn to hate and
the hate starts to change the world.

تواجدي هووون


او تلغراام هون ~

رد مع اقتباس
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