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اخبار التعليم ,مواهب, بحوث, جامعات, معاهد, دورات و شهادات دولية اونلاين القسم يهتم بالمواضيع التثقيفية واخبار التعليم والدورات التعليمية وتبادل الخبارت وتطوير المواهب في مجال التعليم (معاهد-جامعات-شهادات اونلاين) و يهتم بالطلاب المتخرجين و منحهم الفرصه لعرض قدراتهم وطرح سيرهم الذاتيه وتبادل الخبرات حول طرق التوظيف و اساليبه

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قديم 10-24-2019, 04:30 PM
اصلاح غسالات في دبي

Al Twar Third Dubai Washing Machine Repair

Appliances are true gifts for mankind as they help them to do their every task intently and easily. We all know that appliances are the electronic devices so the chances of malfunctioning are always there. Malfunctioning can be due to various reasons. It can be due to lack of maintenance or mistake made by a person when using the appliances. Looking to get an instant repair for your malfunctioned appliance? Get same day service appliance repair from experienced company to get your appliance repaired.

There is a long list of appliances used in our houses in our daily routine Washing machine is one of the frequently used appliances from the list, In this blog, we will be looking at the six problems of a washing machine, reasons behind them, and solutions to fix the problems. Let's get started:
1-Washer Not Draining
One of the most common problem faced by the homeowners is that washer is not draining. This problem can arise due to the following reasons:
  • The drain pump or hose is clogged due to fabrics, debris, or residual gunk.
  • Malfunctioning in a washer. It may not be engaging the drain/spin cycle properly.
  • Broken drain pump. In this case, the washer will make an unpleasant noise or there will be a leakage.

Solution: To resolve this issue you should do the following two things:
Reset your Washing Machine
  • Perform a general reset of a machine. Turn the machine off, wait for one minute, and then turn it on. Al Twar Third Dubai Washing Machine Repair
  • If nothing happens, then you should try Master Reset. This method is mostly used by technicians in which they open the door of washing machine 6 times within 12 seconds. After that run rinse/spin cycle without clothes to see either problem is resolved or not. If not, then this might be a clogging problem.

Unclogging the Drain Hose
You should do the following steps to unclog the drain house:
  • Turn the machine off at power point. You should do this before moving machine or making any adjustment.
  • Check if your drain hose is bent or kinked.
  • Remove the drain hose from the back of the machine. It will be attached with a couple of crews. You need to pull the washer from the place to access the entry point.
  • Run some water through the house to unclog the hose. You can also use stick, long object, or a plumbing snake to take clog out.
  • If you are not able to remove the clog easily, then run the hottest cycle on a machine without clothes. This will loosen up the blockage.
  • Once the water is running properly, attach the hose back to your machine. To ensure that your machine is draining efficiently, don't put the hose more than 12 cm in the drain hole and make sure it is not bent or kinked.

2-Washer Door Won't Unlock
This problem is common in front loaders because top loader doesn't need their door to be closed for keeping water inside. The reasons for this problem are:
  • Jammed locking mechanism.
  • Glitch in the washer's computer.
  • No draining, leaving washer door locked and drum filled with water.

Solutions: The solutions to fix this problem are listed below:
  • If you think it is a digital problem, then reset it as mentioned above.
  • If you think clothes are jamming the lock, then run a short cycle that will make clothes moving and will unlock the jam.
  • If a machine is not draining, then you need to inspect the drain hose and unclog it. A kinked drain hose will affect the functioning.
  • If nothing is working, then you should contact manufactures for the advice. In emergency situation, you can also contact professional companies to avail their same day appliance service. The technicians will repair your appliances instantly without any delay.

3-Power Tripping Problem
This problem can happen due to fault in a motor. The motor may get overheated due to overloading.
Solution: To avoid this problem, you should overload your washing machine. Furthermore, if the problem is still there, then call the manufacturer for repair. Instant repair for your appliances is provided by the same day service dishwasher repair, washing machine repair, microwave oven repair, and more by hiring skilled technician from an experienced company. Muhaisnah First Dubai Washing Machine Repair
4-Machine Pauses in Mid-Cycle
You might have forgotten to place the important thing to wash or might left your mobile in the pocket of your clothes when doing laundry. In this case, you really need to remove the mobile or any other thing that is not to be washed.
In the case of a top loader, it is easy because you just need to open the lid and add/remove the items.
In the case of a front loader, things are complicated. The doors are locked in a front loader to prevent water from spilling all over the floor.
Solution: The solutions to resolve the problems are as follows:
  • Unless if you have bought a washing machine in the last few years, then you can't open the front loader door once the wash cycle is started.
  • Now manufacturers are making front-loading machine that can be paused before the next wash cycle so that clothes can be easily added.

5-Smell from Washing Machine
Washing can get dirt or moldy with the passage of time. The smell is also transferred to the clothes if proper care and cleaning of the washing machine is not done. To clean your washing machine, you should run a cycle in an empty machine with water and cleaning solution only. In this way, the cleaning solution and water will run through nooks and crannies to remove finish the smell. Al Souq Al Kabeer Dubai washing machine repair
Solutions: To clean your washing machine, you need to do the following:
  • The method is suitable for both front-loading and top loading washing machine. First, you need to scrub away the mold if any.
  • Prepare a solution by mixing water and baking soda together. Add the solution to the detergent compartment of a washing machine.
  • Next, you need to pour vinegar directly into the machine drum.
  • Select the hottest setting available and start the cycle. The combination of baking soda and vinegar will eliminate the bad smell due to mold or any mineral deposit, giving your washing machine a fresh smell. To maintain the optimum condition of your washing machine, repeat this procedure after every 1-2 months.

6-Washing Machine Jumping Around
You might have noticed that your washing machine will be slightly moving seems like jumping. The reason can be that your washer is not balanced properly.
Solution: Do the following to fix the problem:
  • You should check the machine level. Place it on a flat surface.
  • Rearrange your clothes properly and evenly distribute them.

These were some of the common problems related to a washing machine and their solutions. Hope now you will be able to resolve your problems. If still facing problem? You can get in touch with a professional appliance repair companyto get your appliances fixed through skilled technicians.

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