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قديم 02-23-2022, 05:58 PM
Updated PPH Bookie Blog

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قديم 02-23-2022, 07:26 PM
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قديم 02-28-2022, 08:01 PM
6 Best Healing Stones For Stress And Anxiety
This is the most frequent inquiry we get... "What are some of the best healing crystals that can aid you deal with anxiety and stress?" And it comes from all walks of life; women, men young and old, mums for daughters, pregnant women school students, and others with a variety of experiences and backgrounds. You are a living, breathing human being, blinking If you've ever thought of using natural techniques to help reduce anxiety and aid with stress management.

Stress is inevitable and natural, in some situations it can be healthy and can be motivating. But if you don’t control your stress it can really ruin your vibe. One of the best natural methods to reduce stress and anxiety is to use healing crystals. Crystals possess their own healing properties for the mind, body and soul. They help to increase energy flow and help you to control your life. Check out this stones for anxiety and depression These 6 crystals are perfect for people who want to have a relaxing life and rid themselves of stress and anxiety.

Amethyst The Anxiety Eliminator'
Amethyst with its tranquil violet hues is extremely protective, healing and purifying. This beauty is the crystal you should have close to your side when you are feeling anxious. It's not just a stone to remove negativity from your life, but also attracts positive, calming thoughts. Amethyst is also known as the all-purpose gemstone is able to calm our mind and ease the aches of nightmares.

Rhodonite "The Releaser"
Rhodonite is also known as "the stone of compassion", and it is a stone with a lot of power that reduces anxiety. Apart from helping you let go of things that no longer serve your needs, Rhodonite also brings order to panic attacks and makes you feel more calm and more at ease. It allows you to recover from emotional scars and it also helps to nurture affection. The Rhodonite will help you clear away emotional wounds and scars from the past.

Citrine "The Composer"
Citrine is the golden optimist of your life, the joy, wonder and excitement you require in every part of your life. Citrine can help you release fear and anxiety. It can guide you through the process of conquering anxiety and doubt by providing warmth and motivation. Citrine can help you release tension and anxiety from your mind, body and emotions, just as yoga helps to ease the pain in your back. Citrine is your mainstay in let go of tension and anxiety.

Moonstone "The Mellow"
Are you exhausted, busy mother? Moonstone is an amazing stone for fertility, pregnancy and birth, as well as everything else related to motherhood. For all women at that matter regardless of age because it assists women to reconnect with their feminine side and can balance female hormones. It is also known for promoting inner strength and growth , as well as encouraging 'new beginnings'. It will help to feel relaxed and free from anxiety.

Rose Quartz 'The Relisher’
This crystal is the one that makes you lurrrve, thanks to its gorgeous, soothing pink hues. At The Crystal Company more than anything else, we believe in the absolute value of self-love. And with this crystal in your vicinity, you'll be feeling love, creativity and inspiration in every way. If we're under pressure, feeling anxious or just simply stressed, it's easy to lose sight of loving ourselves. By giving yourself the gift of time will allow you to fully be present in both your life and your heart. Rose Quartz is a symbol for respect, trust worth, value, and respect. Rose Quartz helps you open your heart and mind to new possibilities.

Celestite: 'The Celestial’
Celestite is a crystal that hails that hails from the sky will be your present. This crystal will help you connect with the Angelic realms. It permits flowing Divine frequencies. It can help reduce anxiety, stress, and obsessive behaviours. It is an excellent piece for actors, performers as well as speakers who are anxious about encounters that are new. The energy can help ease anxiety and stage frights. This crystal of the Divine is a source of balance and harmony that will help you to find the peace and tranquility you need. You can find all the crystals for anxiety in our shop.
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قديم 03-01-2022, 04:20 PM
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قديم 03-01-2022, 07:39 PM
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