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قديم 01-29-2020, 02:25 PM
Guest Posting

This year, I discovered two things about blogging I wish I knew a year ago.

I can’t get enough organic traffic just by writing on my blog alone.
Techno's Club

I came to the first conclusion after scoring a few measly views for each post on my blog, during the first 6 months.
The second came after digging into the numbers behind my blog’s traffic on Google Analytics. Here, I landed 4x more visitors from a high authority site (Lifehack) compared to one that was less publicly known (Growmap).

Left: Traffic I got from a guest post on Lifehack | Right: Traffic I got from a guest post on Growmap
I’m not saying you should toss away all guest post opportunities from lower authority sites — they still bring you some decent traffic and a backlink! But you get a higher ROI for your blog if you invest your time writing for a high authority site.

So how do you determine a high authority site?


Basically, Alexa ranks over 30 million websites based on their traffic data, which is gathered from millions of Internet users who use Alexa’s toolbar.
In other words, Alexa is a good indicator to see which site is popular.
With that said, here are the top guest posting sites I highly recommend you submit your post to. These are all top sites, all of them ranked within the top 100,000 on Alexa, that should help boost your blog’s organic traffic.

visit Now :
Rep. Devin Nunes: Ready to submit criminal referrals
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-29-2020, 02:26 PM
Guest Posting

This year, I discovered two things about blogging I wish I knew a year ago.

I can’t get enough organic traffic just by writing on my blog alone.
Techno's Club

I came to the first conclusion after scoring a few measly views for each post on my blog, during the first 6 months.
The second came after digging into the numbers behind my blog’s traffic on Google Analytics. Here, I landed 4x more visitors from a high authority site (Lifehack) compared to one that was less publicly known (Growmap).

Left: Traffic I got from a guest post on Lifehack | Right: Traffic I got from a guest post on Growmap
I’m not saying you should toss away all guest post opportunities from lower authority sites — they still bring you some decent traffic and a backlink! But you get a higher ROI for your blog if you invest your time writing for a high authority site.

So how do you determine a high authority site?


Basically, Alexa ranks over 30 million websites based on their traffic data, which is gathered from millions of Internet users who use Alexa’s toolbar.
In other words, Alexa is a good indicator to see which site is popular.
With that said, here are the top guest posting sites I highly recommend you submit your post to. These are all top sites, all of them ranked within the top 100,000 on Alexa, that should help boost your blog’s organic traffic.

visit Now :
Infinix S4 - 32MP AI Selfie Camera
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-29-2020, 02:28 PM
Guest Posting

This year, I discovered two things about blogging I wish I knew a year ago.

I can’t get enough organic traffic just by writing on my blog alone.
Techno's Club

I came to the first conclusion after scoring a few measly views for each post on my blog, during the first 6 months.
The second came after digging into the numbers behind my blog’s traffic on Google Analytics. Here, I landed 4x more visitors from a high authority site (Lifehack) compared to one that was less publicly known (Growmap).

Left: Traffic I got from a guest post on Lifehack | Right: Traffic I got from a guest post on Growmap
I’m not saying you should toss away all guest post opportunities from lower authority sites — they still bring you some decent traffic and a backlink! But you get a higher ROI for your blog if you invest your time writing for a high authority site.

So how do you determine a high authority site?


Basically, Alexa ranks over 30 million websites based on their traffic data, which is gathered from millions of Internet users who use Alexa’s toolbar.
In other words, Alexa is a good indicator to see which site is popular.
With that said, here are the top guest posting sites I highly recommend you submit your post to. These are all top sites, all of them ranked within the top 100,000 on Alexa, that should help boost your blog’s organic traffic.

visit Now :
Hollywood goes haywire after Trump cleared by Mueller
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-29-2020, 02:29 PM
Guest Posting

This year, I discovered two things about blogging I wish I knew a year ago.

I can’t get enough organic traffic just by writing on my blog alone.
Techno's Club

I came to the first conclusion after scoring a few measly views for each post on my blog, during the first 6 months.
The second came after digging into the numbers behind my blog’s traffic on Google Analytics. Here, I landed 4x more visitors from a high authority site (Lifehack) compared to one that was less publicly known (Growmap).

Left: Traffic I got from a guest post on Lifehack | Right: Traffic I got from a guest post on Growmap
I’m not saying you should toss away all guest post opportunities from lower authority sites — they still bring you some decent traffic and a backlink! But you get a higher ROI for your blog if you invest your time writing for a high authority site.

So how do you determine a high authority site?


Basically, Alexa ranks over 30 million websites based on their traffic data, which is gathered from millions of Internet users who use Alexa’s toolbar.
In other words, Alexa is a good indicator to see which site is popular.
With that said, here are the top guest posting sites I highly recommend you submit your post to. These are all top sites, all of them ranked within the top 100,000 on Alexa, that should help boost your blog’s organic traffic.

visit Now :
5 Trends of Office Design for 2019
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-29-2020, 02:30 PM
Guest Posting

This year, I discovered two things about blogging I wish I knew a year ago.

I can’t get enough organic traffic just by writing on my blog alone.
Techno's Club

I came to the first conclusion after scoring a few measly views for each post on my blog, during the first 6 months.
The second came after digging into the numbers behind my blog’s traffic on Google Analytics. Here, I landed 4x more visitors from a high authority site (Lifehack) compared to one that was less publicly known (Growmap).

Left: Traffic I got from a guest post on Lifehack | Right: Traffic I got from a guest post on Growmap
I’m not saying you should toss away all guest post opportunities from lower authority sites — they still bring you some decent traffic and a backlink! But you get a higher ROI for your blog if you invest your time writing for a high authority site.

So how do you determine a high authority site?


Basically, Alexa ranks over 30 million websites based on their traffic data, which is gathered from millions of Internet users who use Alexa’s toolbar.
In other words, Alexa is a good indicator to see which site is popular.
With that said, here are the top guest posting sites I highly recommend you submit your post to. These are all top sites, all of them ranked within the top 100,000 on Alexa, that should help boost your blog’s organic traffic.

visit Now :
[CES 2020 Keynote] Meet Your New Robotic Life Companions ¦ Samsung
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