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العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. عيون الاقسام المخفية.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > اخبار التعليم ,مواهب, بحوث, جامعات, معاهد, دورات و شهادات دولية اونلاين

اخبار التعليم ,مواهب, بحوث, جامعات, معاهد, دورات و شهادات دولية اونلاين القسم يهتم بالمواضيع التثقيفية واخبار التعليم والدورات التعليمية وتبادل الخبارت وتطوير المواهب في مجال التعليم (معاهد-جامعات-شهادات اونلاين) و يهتم بالطلاب المتخرجين و منحهم الفرصه لعرض قدراتهم وطرح سيرهم الذاتيه وتبادل الخبرات حول طرق التوظيف و اساليبه

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قديم 03-12-2020, 03:48 PM
ما هي القوة ؟

What's power?

You may have wondered at some point or another; what really is power?

It is difficult to escape; whether you appear to nature and observe an electric storm rolling in because of its beautiful but strong lightning strikes. Or perhaps, you just go to the kitchen of yours, flick on a mild as well as open the fridge; electrical energy is a part of the daily life of ours.

But to actually know what electricity really is, we have to check out the science behind it at the atomic level.

All of it begins with atoms Atoms are small molecules and put simply, they're the fundamental building blocks of everything about us, whether it's the chairs of ours, desks or perhaps the very own body of ours. Atoms are comprised of actually smaller components, called neutrons, electrons, and protons.

When magnetic and electrical forces move electrons from a single atom to the next, an electric current is created.

Check out this particular video to find out electrons in motion.

Do you truly know what electricity is?

How's electrical energy made?
For starters, to produce electricity, you will require a gas source, like coal, gas, wind or hydropower.

In Australia, majority of the electric supply of ours is generated from standard fuels, natural gas, such as coal, with about fourteen % coming from unlimited energy sources.1

No matter the chosen gas, many generators run on an equivalent proven principle: switch a turbine to ensure it spins magnets around copper wire, to obtain the flow of electrons throughout atoms, which often makes electrical energy.

Coal as well as gasoline perform in ways that are the same; they're both burned to heat water, that generates steam and turns the turbine.

Renewable sources of energy including hydropower as well as wind operate somewhat differently, with possibly the wind or maybe warm water being employed to switch the turbine, and also create the electrical energy.

Solar photovoltaic panels may take another approach again: they create electric power by transforming sun radiation in electrical energy using semi conductors.

Power stations transform fuels into electricity

Coal as well as gasoline are used up to heat water and change it into steam.

The steam, at an extremely high pressure, will be utilized to spin a turbine.

The spinning turbine leads to huge magnets to turn inside copper wire coils - this's known as the generator.

The moving magnets lead to electrons in the cables to move from one area to the next, creating an electric current as well as producing electrical energy.

Power goes out on the power grid In Australia, we push the electrical power of ours via a complicated networked grid.

Electricity actually leaves journeys and generators along conductor cables on the networked power grid to companies and residences throughout the nation. By the time electrical energy reaches you, it is more likely to have travelled thousands of kilometres with the power grid.

Australia's National Electricity Market or maybe the NEM is the biggest interconnected energy process in the globe.

In case you are keen on exploring electricity alternative for the house of yours, you are able to evaluate Origin's electricity programs and determine an estimated cost for the usage of yours.
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منبع القوة ranasamaha أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 0 11-20-2012 09:42 PM
صور فتيات القوة *TENTEN* أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 8 08-28-2012 12:13 PM
شعر عن القوة A z a n ® شعر و قصائد 6 07-09-2010 07:44 PM

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