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قديم 06-09-2008, 03:14 PM
Super Contra 2 by KONAMI S60v3(240x320)J2ME

Super Contra 2 by KONAMI S60v3 240x320 J2ME

Super Contra 2 is the 1988 arcade sequel to Konami's Contra, released during the previous year. Like the original Contra before it, a version of Super Contra was later released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990 under the shortened title of Super C in North America and as Probotector II: Return of the Evil Forces in the PAL region, while the corresponding Japanese Famicom version retained the original title. The Japanese title of the arcade version also bore the subtitle/tagline of Alien no Gyakushū (Erian no Gyakushū?, "The Alien's Counterattack" or "The Aliens Strikes Back"), which was ommitted in the western versions of the arcade game, as well as the later Famicom port. Unlike the original Contra, the arcade version of Super Contra was distributed in Europe with its original title and cooperatively 2-player gameplay intact.

In Super Contra, the alien forces from the original game have taken over a base in an undisclosed region of South America and the player(s) once again assume the roles of protagonists Bill Rizer and Lance Bean to counter the invasion.

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