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تحميل برامج القسم يهتم بتحميل برامج الجهاز و بأحدث البرامج التي تخدم المستخدم العربي (حماية-ماسنجر-اصوات-ادارة ملفات - تصميم - والكثير من البرامج المهمه) , يمنع وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن.

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قديم 06-29-2008, 09:24 PM
اداة رائعة لحذف فايرس الاوطورين Autorun Virus Remover v2 3

Autorun Virus Remover v2 3 build 0618

اداة روعة لحذف الفايروسات الملتسقة بالفلاش ميموري

وحتى الاقراص الصلبة

جربوها ولن تندمو

الشرح الانجليزي

Autorun Virus Remover uses innovative proactive technology to block any threats via USB drive. There are relatively few products available in shops or on the Internet which offer even close to 100% protection against any malicious programs via USB drive. The majority of products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. Autorun Virus Remover is the world\s best software to block threats via USB drive.

The best solution to protect offline computer

Other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer that is not connected to the Internet. When new viruses, worms and other malicious attacks strike, traditional signatures are insufficient. Every minute one waits for a virus signature update creates a window of vulnerability that could have devastating consequences. Autorun Virus Remover uses advanced proactive detection techniques, requires no signature updates, and closes the window of vulnerability left open by other reactive, signature-based responses.

The world\s fastest and smallest antivirus software

With Autorun Virus Remover, it’s not necessary to sacrifice speed for detection and scanning. Compare antivirus software and you\ll discover that Autorun Virus Remover is by far one of the smallest applications in the industry. For example, the Autorun Virus Remover installer is just 1 MB. The program utilizes approximately 1 to 7 MB of RAM.

100% compatible with all software

Incompatibility between antivirus programs is an issue. In the vast majority of cases, installing two antivirus programs from different vendors on one machine (for increased protection) is technically impossible, as the two programs will disrupt each other\s functioning. However, Autorun Virus Remover is 100% compatible with all software, including Windows Vista.

Simple to use

Autorun Virus Remover has been specifically designed to perform effectively regardless of the user’s level of computer expertise. Just install and forget it.

Windows 2000, Windows XP or Vista

لتحميل الاداه + الكراك الفعال



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I love my princes to be like as noor
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