عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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قديم 04-07-2021, 02:47 AM
Al Baher Arabic Language Centre

diplomat Arabic courses
Through our experience with tailoring our classes and curricula to match our students`specific needs, we have prepared specific curricula to help our diplomatic personnel in their daily interactions and their oral communication skills on both the formal and informal level. We have developed diplomat Arabic courses that were helpful and beneficial for diplomat who are in need to interact with the locals and are exposed to different accents such as consuls and security officers . Our diplomat Arabic courses are mainly directed towards helping diplomats in improving their communicative skills and in dealing confidently with various needs related to their jobs such as meeting with government officials, giving speeches of different topics, negotiating and participating in seminars and conferences, conducting meetings and many more other tasks required by diplomats.
Our diplomat Arabic courses are offered at any time of the year, and it doesn`t have to coincide to our normal-year academic calendar.


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