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اخبار التعليم ,مواهب, بحوث, جامعات, معاهد, دورات و شهادات دولية اونلاين القسم يهتم بالمواضيع التثقيفية واخبار التعليم والدورات التعليمية وتبادل الخبارت وتطوير المواهب في مجال التعليم (معاهد-جامعات-شهادات اونلاين) و يهتم بالطلاب المتخرجين و منحهم الفرصه لعرض قدراتهم وطرح سيرهم الذاتيه وتبادل الخبرات حول طرق التوظيف و اساليبه

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قديم 04-10-2021, 10:39 PM
Sira معتمد من شركة cctv

SIRA certified CCTV Company in Dubai, UAE

A CCTV or Closed-Circuit Television system works after the installation of a security camera system that allows remotely checking the operation or status of a place / project or simply keeping an eye on your loved ones. This place can be: an office, a building, a shop or a large area in even an outdoor facility.

A basic installation of a CCTV system would consist of cameras and a monitor or monitors from where the images obtained by them are viewed. Nowadays, monitoring with surveillance cameras is usually a bit more sophisticated - thanks to the inclusion of computing devices related to Information Technology.

CCTV Remote Monitoring - tele-rounds: is an infrastructure, which is connected to the control center, which allows the images captured by a CCTV system to be remotely supervised by professionals. The service is known as tele-rounds - which allows us to take advantage of the potential of security cameras.

In addition, these centrals connect directly with other security services, so that they can notify owners, maintenance managers or specialists who momentarily resolve an incident that affects security or the normal operation of the company, also notifying the police if any anomaly is detected, to avoid an unwanted intrusion.

Among the many possibilities that private security professionals can offer a company, one of the most complete solutions is the installation of a closed-circuit television. Installation of CCTV cameras allow a quick reaction - even in real time, to an intrusion or any other fact that compromises the security or the normal functioning of an organization or a family. Thanks to the use of the latest technology, high-quality images can be obtained to clarify facts and identify those responsible.

One of its main strengths is its deterrent capacity: the mere presence of cameras can abort a burglary or theft attempt. The installation is fully adapted to the needs of the company or business, since a professional team is in charge of developing an ad hoc design that adjusts the needs of the place , the activity and the most strategic decision in terms of security. All CCTV circuits are not the same, since not all businesses are the same.

Thus, when installing a CCTV camera, it is always prudent to obtain the services of a certified CCTV company who are experts in their fields.

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الساعة الآن 04:51 PM.

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