عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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قديم 06-01-2021, 02:24 PM
A unique opportunity to learn Arabic in Jordan.

Learning Arabic in jordan
Al Baher arabic institute is located in (Abdoun), one of the most modern areas in Amman, Jordan. It is found in Al Batoul Complex, a new luxurious building that contains many nice shops and many other facilities, in addition to its remarkable location that can connect the students easily to various restaurants, sports clubs, parks, and it is within walking distance of Taj Mall, one of the newest shopping centers in Amman. Within the five-story mall are numerous specialty shops, a grocery store (Cozmo), a dozen eateries and cafes, and spacious movie theatres. The ideal location and relaxed outdoor way of life of the Arabic institute in jordan offers the students a unique opportunity of learning arabic in jordan.
To contact us:00962 6 593 5596

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الساعة الآن 05:54 AM.

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