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قديم 08-02-2008, 04:21 PM
Smile This Made Me Think Of You

I like you because of
who you are to me....
A true friend.

And if I don't get this
back I'll take the hint.

Something good will
happen to you at
1:00-4:00 PM

It could be anywhere
-- AOL, Yahoo, outside
of school, anywhere.

Please send to 5
people in 5 minutes.


'A good friend will
always be there for you....

no matter what!

Proud To Be
Your Friend!

Make sure you read
all the way down to
the last sentence,
and don't skip ahead.

I've learned....
That life is like a
roll of toilet paper....
The closer it gets
to the end, the
faster it goes.

I've learned....
That we should be
glad God doesn't
give us everything
we ask for.

I've learned....
That money DOES NOT
buy class!!

I've learned...that it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

I've learned...
That under everyone's
hard shell is someone
who wants to be
and loved.

I've learned....
That the Lord didn't
do it all in one day
What makes me
think I can?

I've learned....
That to ignore the
facts does not
change the facts.

I've learned....
That the less time
I have to work,
the more things
I get done.

To all of you.... Make
sure you read all the
way down to the
last sentence.

It's National

Show your friends
how much you care.

Send this to everyone
you consider a FRIEND!

Even if it means sending
it back to the person
who sent it to you.

If it comes back to you,
then you'll know you
have a circle of friends.


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-08-2008, 04:54 AM
رد: This Made Me Think Of You

thankx swety it's a great Subect
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-16-2008, 04:21 PM
رد: This Made Me Think Of You

u better watch out ur words honey
anyway, thanx
Found a way
to rid myself claen of pain
and the fever that's been haunting me
has gone away
رد مع اقتباس
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