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قديم 12-14-2008, 09:10 AM
Lightbulb What do woman wants most of all ? Part 1

This is a story about a young knight. He had done a very bad thing. He had broken the laws which all knights must keep.
King Arthur heard what the young knight had done. "that is very bad!" he said. "he must die".
The Queen & her ladies were sad because they liked the young knight very much. "he's not really very bad" they said to each other. "please, please" they prayed the king, "please do not end this young man's life, he knows that he has done a bad thing, he will never make such a mistake again".
The king said to the queen "well, do whatever you like with him, but he must pay for breaking the law".
The queen thought for a little time, then she said to the knight "you shall live, if u can tell me the answer to this question, what does a woman want most of all?, I will give you a year & a day to find out the answer, if you can't find it, you must die".
The knight thanked her, but he rode a way very sadly. he said "the queen has asked a very hard question, how can I find the answer?".
He asked many people
"what does a woman want most of all ?"
He got very many answers.
A man said "woman like jewels & money more than any thing else".
One woman said "they want to be happy, that's what women want".
"fine clothes, of course!, that's what they want" said another.
He asked some children.
A little girl said "my mother is most happy when she is cooking food for us".
A little boy said "my mother likes best to have a new baby to our family".
"our mother is happiest of all when she sees our father come home at night" tow or three children all together.
Many of the answers seemed very good answers, but none of them seemed to be right. There was no answer that everybody would call right.
At least a year had passed. The knight had to go back & take the answer to the queen.
The poor knight thought "what shall I say? What can I say I have tried so hard! Must I really die?"
Just then he came to a great wood. Twenty four beautiful ladies were dancing there on the green grass.
He said "here are twenty four more people whom I can ask, I have just enough time to ask them".
He turned his horse towards them. Where were they?. They had all gone, suddenly, in to air!. Only one very old, very ugly, woman sat there now!!. Where he came near, she stood up & went to him.
"Sir Knight" she said, "are u looking for something? Tell me what it is, & perhaps I can help you, we old people are wise, we know many things".
He said, "you maybe just the person who can help me, I shall lose my life if I cannot find the answer to a question: What does a woman want most of all? If you can tell me, I will pay you well".
"give me your hand" she answered. "you must do the first thing which I ask you, promise! Then I will tell you the right answer".
The knight said, "I promise to do the first thing that you ask me to do"
"then your life is safe", said the old woman, "not one person not even the queen _ will say that your answer is not the true one".
She spoke very quietly into his ear. "that", she said, "is the answer to your question"
Then they went along together to meet the queen & all the lords & ladies.
The people heard that the young knight was coming.
Everyone went to tell everyone else & they ran to the meeting place. The queen was there, ready to hear his answer. Many men & women were afraid, "the young knight will die", they said!.
"it was a very hard question", they said to each other, "it will bad if he cannot tell the queen the answer".
Everyone became quiet as they stood around. They heard the queen say in a clear voice, "now can you tell us, sir knight, what a woman wants most of all ?"
The knight came forward. He fell on his knees in front of her. Everyone heard his answer.
"my lady & my queen, the thing which every woman wants most of all is . . . . . . . .>>>>> TO BE CONTINUED

Now my friends >>

I want each one of u to tell your opinions or your answer to the question


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-17-2008, 03:18 PM
رد: What do woman wants most of all ? Part 1

The answer is: love
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-19-2008, 12:58 AM
رد: What do woman wants most of all ? Part 1

well ,
it can be love
but , how do you express that love???:77: :77:

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رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-19-2008, 03:10 AM
رد: What do woman wants most of all ? Part 1

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-19-2008, 07:09 AM
رد: What do woman wants most of all ? Part 1

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