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قديم 12-21-2008, 03:37 AM
What do woman wants most of all ? Part 2

Everyone became quiet as they stood around. They heard the queen say in a clear voice, "now can you tell us, sir knight, what a woman wants most of all ?"
The knight came forward. He fell on his knees in front of her. Everyone heard his answer.
"my lady & my queen, the thing which every woman wants most of all is to be head of her house, she wants to make her husband do as she wishes"
When they heard this, all the people said that it was the right answer! "let him live!" They cried
The queen was very pleased with this answer. She said, "you shall be free, & live!"
Suddenly, the old woman came forward. "be good to me too, my lady" she said to the queen. "I said to the knight,(I will tell u the answer, but you mist promise to do what I ask you to do)". She turned to the knight, "did you not promise this?".
"yes", said the knight. "that is what I promised".
She said, "before all these people I ask you to take me as your WIFE!!". Her face was very ugly. It was uglier than ever!.
The knight said unhappily, "what you say is true, I did promise this, but please – please let me go free! Do not make my marry you!"
"NO!" she said. "no! I am old & ugly & very poor, but I want most of all to be your wife, I want to win your love"
"my love !!" he answered. "you cannot really hope for that !"
The queen & her ladies & the people were laughing. They knew that the knight wanted to die now. Hw did not want to marry this ugly old woman.
Then the queen spoke: "you must do as you promised".
"yes" said the knight, " I must do as I promised".
There was no dancing & singing. There were no fine clothes & fine food. No jewels & flowers at their marriage. It was done, very quickly.
Then the knight went away & hid for the rest of the day. He did not want to look at his ugly old wife.
That night, his ugly wife turned to him & said, "come, dear husband, is this how a knight of king Arthur keeps his promise? What have I done wrong? Tell me, & I will try to do better & please you"
"do better?" said the knight. "you cannot make your age les & you cannot make your face any better"
"is that all that is wrong?" she asked laughing at him.
"Is it not enough?" he answered.
"beauty is only on the outside", she said. "the face becomes old but the heart is always young, what a person does is the great thing, the man who does the best & kindest things is far better than a great lord who does bad & unkind things"
For a long time, she talked quietly, to him. He was surprised.
"you know a great deal,& you r very good" he said. "you have taught me a lot about men & women & goodness & badness".
At the end she said, "is it good to have a wife with a beautiful face who gives you great un happiness? Or a wife who is old & ugly but is very kind to you & makes you very happy?"
The knight's heart was softened by all that he had heard from her.
"my lady, my love, & my dear wife" he said, "you are very wise & good I will do what seems best to you".
She laughed, "remember the answer which you gave to the queen? Will you let me rule over you?"
"yes, truly" he said, " I know it will be best"
She kissed him & said, "don't be angry, I will be both to you, both beautiful & good, if I am not as beautiful as any queen tomorrow, do as you wish with me!"
And the knight drew her to him & kissed her. And he found that he was kissing a very beautiful girl, the most beautiful girl in the world. For his wife was really a fairy. She had wanted to try out his goodness as a knight.
They lived happily together all their lives.

Well friends !!
That's the end of the story
Hoped that you enjoyed it
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-21-2008, 04:01 AM
رد: What do woman wants most of all ? Part 2

Thank you for your themes and wonderful but I can not understand English well
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-21-2008, 04:13 AM
رد: What do woman wants most of all ? Part 2

thank u sweety for ur participation
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قديم 12-29-2008, 02:11 PM
رد: What do woman wants most of all ? Part 2

hi i want to be your friend
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قديم 12-31-2008, 06:10 AM
رد: What do woman wants most of all ? Part 2

Hi sala7 !!!!

ofcourse you can be our friend

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