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الحياة الأسرية القسم يهتم بشؤون الأسرة المسلمة والعلاقات الاسرية والزوجية وطرح الافكار الناجحة لحياة أجمل

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قديم 08-20-2010, 10:55 AM
BEIJING, Aug. 1 call on July 31, according to foreign reports,Sheer wedding dresses, in response to the Iranian missile threat, the United States may soon be deployed in southern Europe, officially launched the missile defense system, to ensure regional security. report quoted an anonymous Pentagon official as saying that the Pentagon may be in Turkey or Bulgaria has an important role in the establishment of a ground radar station. install the energy of the \ 2009 年 9 months, Barack Obama announced temporary suspension of U.S. President George W. Bush during the former set to deploy missile defense in Southern Europe program. Bush administration had plans to 2013, the deployment of at least 10 in Poland to intercept long-range strategic missiles, and in the Czech Republic to build a powerful radar station. the U.S. plan sparked strong resentment in Russia. Russia believes that the deployment of U.S. missile defense system in Europe, on Russia caused serious security threat to the deployment of weapons to Russia \Obama announced temporary suspension of the plan, making US-Russia relations showing moderating trend. the United States, said the deployment of missile defense system in Europe is not aimed at Russia,louis vuitton speedy, but in response to its nuclear program from the insistence on developing the potential of long-range Iranian missile threat. the U.S. military in 2008 in Israel with anti-missile radar station installed, and in other Gulf countries are planning to establish similar military facilities. U.S. military allies with Israel and other Gulf Cooperation to jointly build and upgrade their anti-missile capability. Reported that the United States to establish anti-missile radar station in southern Europe, is to issue an early warning to Iran signals. the United States in Europe, Israel and other Gulf countries plan to build the radar station is technically independent,Chinese Wedding Dresses, and are at different stages of development. However, they are designed to be integrated into the direct command of the United States or with the other party cooperation among command and control system. Israel has been building up the radar station is operated by the U.S. personnel, and the radar station has been in operation, and to U.S. naval vessels in the Mediterranean to provide information.
قديم 08-21-2010, 12:27 AM
اول مرة اعرف هذا الله يساعدنا وطني راح العراق راح انا عراقية وعايشة بغداد وهكذ اشياء مرينا فيها
قديم 08-21-2010, 12:58 AM
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
قديم 08-21-2010, 03:30 PM
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
الله يساعدنا
قال ألخليل بن احمد الفراهيدي ألناسُ أربَع

رَجُلٌ يَدري ويَدري أََنهُ يَدري فذاكَ عالــــــمٌ فاسألوه....ورَجُلٌ يَدري ولا يَدري أنهُ يَدري فذاك نــــــــــاسٍ فَذَّكِروه

ورَجلٌ لايَدري ويَدري أنهُ لايَدري فذاك جاهلٌ فَعلِموه....ورَجلٌ لايَدري ولا يَدري أنهُ لايَدري فَذاك أحمقٌ فاأترُكوه

وأنَ لِكُلِ داءٍ دَواء يُستَطبُ بهِ أِلا ألحَماقةُ أعيَت مِن يُداويها

قديم 08-21-2010, 04:33 PM
اللهم ارحمنا وارحم جميع العراقيين

والله هذا اللي يصير حرامـ

بس شنو بأدينا لا نكدر انوصل اصواتنا ولا شي

القتل والذبح والاعتداء لا يزال مستمر على بلدي الحبيب
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حقائق مؤلمة عن العراق الجديد fras1 حوارات و نقاشات جاده 9 10-21-2010 10:29 PM
أمريكا تخطط لتسليم العراق الى تنظيم القاعدة طبيب العراق مواضيع عامة 7 10-04-2007 08:36 PM
ادخل فورا لتشاهد صورة بوش وهو يتخذ قرار الفيتو سلبيا ضد لبنان وفلسطين والعراق مروان الدراجي أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 33 05-14-2007 05:30 PM

الساعة الآن 10:37 PM.

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