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قديم 07-05-2010, 10:24 PM
يسلم يدك التي كتبت هذا المقال والله معك حق لقد تطاولنا نحن قبلهم عندما امرنا باوامر ولم ننفذ هذه الاوامر مثل اتباع سنة لقد تهاونا فيها ولم نعمل بها سلمت يداك مرة اخرى وجزاك الله كل خير
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-09-2010, 08:12 PM
انتبهوا ايها المسلمون

[frame="11 70"]
ان هذا المو ضوع لحق

يا ليتبا نعمل بما قال رسو لنا الكر يم
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-03-2010, 12:21 AM
لا تسهينوابهذا الكلام

اللهم اهدنا واهدى بنا
اللهم اهدى كل عاصى اللهم احفظ شبابنا وبناتنا من الاغانى ومعصيه الله راقبوا الله عزوجل يا مسلمون
لكل من اراد الجنه00 ففى كتابه الكريم قرن الله طاعتهوابطاعه الرسول وذلك لمكانه الرسول"صلى الله عليه وسلم"وااسف للا طاله (ارجو الرد) ماذا تفعل الاغانى لكم؟؟؟؟؟
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-04-2010, 09:22 AM
اللهم أمين
اللهم أمين
اللهم أمين
.. :ht:
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-20-2010, 10:52 AM
the Cold War, Cam Ranh Bay to the Soviet Union has important strategic value. Cam Ranh Bay to the Soviet Pacific Fleet to the bridgehead, the power projection to the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, both to deal with when the United States in the Philippines, South Korea and Japan, the base group, can also be formed to contain China from the South right. Peak strength, the Soviet Union stationed in Cam Ranh Bay, dozens of ships, hundreds of fighter planes, troops and their dependents up to people, known as the Soviet Union's largest overseas base. Information in the local station to track the ships sailing in the deep South China Sea, and monitor the U.S. military in the Philippines, Subic Bay Naval Base and Clark Air Base. Soviet Union, Russia inherited its strategic interests in Southeast Asia, but the economic collapse of the Moscow can not afford the high cost of maintaining overseas bases. Russian military presence in the latter part of Cam Ranh Bay base has actually empty, the majority of aging or damaged facilities, airport runways have been unable to guarantee the safety of aircraft taking off and landing, had caused the tragic plane crash. Taking into account its declining military power in Southeast Asia with the possibility of a large number of troops deployed near zero, Moscow only an early goodbye to Cam Ranh Bay. 2001 年 10 17, Russia's Defense Ministry said in a statement, due to financial constraints, can not continue to support the normal operation of the Cam Ranh Bay base. The second year,Skirt Wedding Dresses, the Russian military withdrawal from Cam Ranh Bay in batches, place back then by the Vietnamese Government. unparalleled control over the status of the South China Sea However, an important strategic position on Cam Ranh Bay, a calm destined to not last long. Especially in the Obama administration took office, several high-profile United States declares that \The location of the Cam Ranh Bay, the Singapore Changi than, Yokosuka, Japan, South Korea Busan, Guam Apra other bases are closer to the South China Sea \Stockholm Peace Research Institute issued a report, the United States if rented Cam Ranh Bay, it means to strangle the throat of the South China Sea; Cam Ranh Bay on the South China Sea islands and reefs in the control of any, higher than China's current naval base. article further analyzed that the position with the United States, its first for Vietnam agreed to open the port for U.S. ships to dock rest. May 2005, the Pentagon proposed the \Specific to Southeast Asia, the United States is usually made by agreement the right to use the port, in addition to Singapore, other ASEAN countries in this mode, in so doing help reduce the probability of occurrence of political disputes. Vietnam, the Cam Ranh Bay back is not necessarily non-rental. The article said that as Vietnam's reform and opening up, adjust its military strategy, \In this context, to ensure control of Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam has become increasingly prominent national security significance. Vietnam in the last century been the victim of aggression, the \However, although Hanoi made Cam Ranh Bay,Bridal Prom Dresses, \Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam have every reason to be maneuvering between the great powers a trump card. freelance newspaper writer Malan U.S. Navy, \Expand the series reported. Some sharp-eyed observers, have focused orientation from the natural harbor near Da Nang - Cam Ranh Bay. Cam Ranh Bay What kind of a place in history by so many countries covet? With continued close to the United States and Vietnam, where U.S. aircraft carriers are likely to be settled in? This year in June, living in Australia, Vietnamese scholars duong le quy don (sound), in Hong Kong, \ favorable conditions coveted by multinational Cam Ranh Bay is one of the world's best natural deep-water port, in Vietnamese means \It is located in the southeast coast of Vietnam, Khanh Hoa Province, 12 degrees north latitude line, surrounded by about 400 meters high surrounded by mountains, deep inland harbor of 17 km, 6 km wide water area more than 100 square kilometers. Bay, the average water depth of 16-25 meters, 32 meters deep at its deepest. As the depth of Bay wide berth within Hong Kong, including aircraft carriers, including the 100 tons of large ships. Kong branch of naval and commercial ports in the two regions. Cam Ranh naval port town which is located in the east coast, harbor depth of 14 meters, the main terminal 6,louis vuitton handbags, the shipyard can repair large ships and construction of small ships, as well as oil depots, ammunition depots, and munitions warehouses and other support facilities, electronic surveillance and communications systems also more complete. Outer Harbour, also known as flat Palestinian Bay, the average water depth of 10-22 meters. Port transportation, rail and highways, in the Capilano and 8 kilometers north of the town and a military airport. as Cam Ranh Bay unique geographical conditions, history, the number of military power have this as a naval base, including Czarist Russia's second Pacific Fleet, the French colonists in the Far East Fleet, during World War II and the Japanese combined fleet U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. April 1975, North Vietnamese troops occupied Cam Ranh Bay. 4 years later, Hanoi to Cam Ranh Bay for free loan to the Soviet Union, the term of 25 years. into the Soviet Navy, once the bridgehead
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