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نور الإسلام - ,, على مذاهب أهل السنة والجماعة خاص بجميع المواضيع الاسلامية

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قديم 02-09-2012, 10:26 AM
حب النبي

THE LOVE OF THE PROPHETIn my hands oh lord! There is a cup full of wine ready to intoxicate
But what is more intoxicating compare to the love I have for the prophet
Muhammad, the one that has rejected evil and laid the foundation for truth
Muhammad, the one who has strengthened the ties of brotherhood and loosen the ties of unbelievers
Muhammad, the power behind all powers that powers the power of the powers
Muhammad, the light that gives all the light the light to light their light
Muhammad, the force that came to force all the forces of the world by force to Allah
Oh Muhammad! If I were in your time
I would have fought by your side and would have striven hard for your course
Muhammad, the one that brought along with him a lamp to brighten the world
Muhammad, the one that brought along with him, Dikhr to rule the world
You can measure the depth of the sea, it is possible
But you cannot estimate the love I have for the prophet
Though they say, to those we love best we say the least, it is not the case of the prophet
I have come to learn that every man lives not through the love of himself, but by the love of the prophet
The love of the prophet is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise
Now, I know what the love of the prophet is!
It is the fountain and that well, where knowledge and understanding dwell
It is perhaps that bell that toils all to heaven
The love of the prophet is a concept, a product of objective practice
Only one who has loved, knows the power behind the love of the prophet
Someone who cannot read and write, who brought us a book that those who can read and write, wrote till they got exhausted
May the Peace and Blessing of Allah continue to be upon Him.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-18-2012, 05:04 AM
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الساعة الآن 02:57 PM.

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