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صور أنمي اكبر و اروع تجمع لمحبي صور الانمي, هنا يستطيع محبي صور الأنمي تبادل جميع صور الأنيمي, صور انمي, صور انيمي الرائعة والمميزة.

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قديم 11-06-2015, 09:19 PM

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation,
and it looks like I'm the Queen

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried

Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know!

Let it go! Let it go!
Can't hold it back anymore!
Let it go! Let it go!
Turn away and slam the door!
I don't care what they're going to say!
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance
makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
can't get to me at all!
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I'm free!

Let it go! Let it go!
I'm one with the wind and sky
Let it go! Let it go!
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand, and here I stay!
Let the storm rage on

My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around!
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast!
I'm never going back, the past is in the past!

Let it go! Let it go!
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go! Let it go!
That perfect girl is gone!
Here I stand in the light of day!
Let the storm rage on!!!
The cold never bothered me anyway

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn my back and slam the door

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
and it looks like I'm the queen

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried

Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always had to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand, and here I'll stay
Let it go, let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all
Up here in the cold thin air, I finally can breathe
I know I left a life behind, but I'm too relieved to grieve

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand, and here I'll stay
Let it go, let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway

Standing frozen in the life I've chosen
You won't find me, the past is so behind me
Buried in the snow

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand, and here I'll stay
Let it go, let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway, oh

Let it go
Yeah, yeah
Na, na
Here I'll stay
Let it go, let it go
Let it go

مخبولة likes this.
انت كالقمر تضئ عالمي

E x o

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2015, 09:29 PM











ممنوع الرد
مخبولة likes this.
انت كالقمر تضئ عالمي

E x o

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2015, 09:34 PM







مخبولة likes this.
انت كالقمر تضئ عالمي

E x o

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2015, 09:42 PM

الخاتمه :
الاغنيه اسمها (FROZEN)
اتمني ان الصور عجبتكو في امان الله
انت كالقمر تضئ عالمي

E x o

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-01-2015, 09:52 PM
رد مع اقتباس
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الساعة الآن 03:39 PM.

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