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  • 1 Post By wjeeeeeh
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قديم 02-06-2008, 10:29 PM

Your emotions (feelings) are quite literally the driving force, or the seed, that attracts or grows into, the events, conditions, and circumstances that you experience in your life on a day-to-day basis. The emotions that you experience and the feelings that you feel are the determining factor as to how each and every one of your life events unfold and are brought into physical existence.
Emotion is the source of thoughts, is there any source of emotion as well?

The answer is YES

The various emotions that you experience are established based on specific beliefs and perceptions that you have established at some point in your life.

Let me clarify it by an example

There is a very famous quote by Henry Ford

“If you think you can, you are right
If you think you can not, you are right”

Suppose your boss approaches you and ask you to do a task. Most of the time they don’t even ask you whether you can do it or not. Anyway the first thought most likely to hit you with the job in hand would be

Can I do it?

Can you identify with this situation?

If your first thought is that you can, then most of time job is done. What if your first thought is , you can not . Then the chances of job getting done goes down
NOW, I want to change the quote

“If you feel you can, you are right
If you feel you can not, you are right"

I have only replaced the word “think” with “feel” (emotion)

What happens, when you strongly feel that you can do it

Don’t you become emotionally charged , more energetic , motivated to achieve the task . I am arguing the same point that emotional force is more powerful then thought power .

Is there anything more powerful then emotional force ?

Lets change the quote once again

“ If you believe that you can, you are right
If you believe you can not, you are right”

Needless to explain that, when you have strong belief then job would be done. There is no second option
What exactly do I mean by that?
Regardless of WHAT you may believe in, whether it be that you CAN or CAN'T accomplish something, whatever that something may be, an outcome is ALWAYS, 100% of the time, experienced based on the belief that you hold regarding it's outcome.

now look at this way
Watch your emotions
They become your thoughts
Watch your thoughts
they become your actions
Watch your actions
they become your habits
Watch your habits
they become your Character
Watch your Character
It becomes your Destiny

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رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-30-2012, 02:11 AM
Your emotions (feelings) are quite literally the driving force, or the seed, that attracts or grows into, the events, conditions, and circumstances that you experience in your life on a day-to-day basis. The emotions that you experience and the feelings that you feel are the determining factor as to how each and every one of your life events unfold and are brought into physical existence.
Emotion is the source of thoughts, is there any source of emotion as well?

The answer is YES

The various emotions that you experience are established based on specific beliefs and perceptions that you have established at some point in your life.

Let me clarify it by an example

There is a very famous quote by Henry Ford

“If you think you can, you are right
If you think you can not, you are right”

Suppose your boss approaches you and ask you to do a task. Most of the time they don’t even ask you whether you can do it or not. Anyway the first thought most likely to hit you with the job in hand would be

Can I do it?

Can you identify with this situation?

If your first thought is that you can, then most of time job is done. What if your first thought is , you can not . Then the chances of job getting done goes down
NOW, I want to change the quote

“If you feel you can, you are right
If you feel you can not, you are right"

I have only replaced the word “think” with “feel” (emotion)

What happens, when you strongly feel that you can do it

Don’t you become emotionally charged , more energetic , motivated to achieve the task . I am arguing the same point that emotional force is more powerful then thought power .

Is there anything more powerful then emotional force ?

Lets change the quote once again

“ If you believe that you can, you are right
If you believe you can not, you are right”

Needless to explain that, when you have strong belief then job would be done. There is no second option
What exactly do I mean by that?
Regardless of WHAT you may believe in, whether it be that you CAN or CAN'T accomplish something, whatever that something may be, an outcome is ALWAYS, 100% of the time, experienced based on the belief that you hold regarding it's outcome.

now look at this way
Watch your emotions
They become your thoughts
Watch your thoughts
they become your actions
Watch your actions
they become your habits
Watch your habits
they become your Character
Watch your Character
It becomes your Destiny




سبَحآنككِ ربيِ ، إني كنت منَ إلضالمينِ

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-02-2012, 03:10 PM
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