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قديم 08-20-2018, 10:21 PM

{ عِيدْ مُبَارَك }
{ كُلْ عَام وأنت بِأَلف خَيْر } -

عيديّة صغيرة خلف النجوم




رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-24-2018, 01:37 AM

كفاكَّ تقلصاً في عيني، كدت تختفي 💔

When you're hurt and scared for so long,
the fear and pain turn to hate and
the hate starts to change the world.

تواجدي هووون


او تلغراام هون ~

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-24-2018, 01:46 AM

هو ليش موقع توب مسكر -_- كل صوري
وكلشي بمواضيعي راحو واختفوا شكلو الحكي هاد عندي بس
مدري *^* يارب يرجع وما يخرب الموقع *^*


When you're hurt and scared for so long,
the fear and pain turn to hate and
the hate starts to change the world.

تواجدي هووون


او تلغراام هون ~

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-25-2018, 03:45 PM
It started long before me...
I never saw it comin'...

The distance, the promise...
A state of isolation...

And in my darkest nightmare...
Things that I can't remember...

The answer, is drowning, this pain will last forever.

My father...
His duty...
His orders...
My brother...
The promise...
The breaking...
The missing...
The torture...
The madness...
The sadness...
Can this be?
Or is it?

The shadow cast before me...
A walk inside your circle...

Protect me...
Correct me...
You got your orders, soldier...

Inside my head is humming...
Sometimes I hear them coming...

The power...
The hate I hate believing...

Where is this?
It can't be...
Who are you?
I know you...
You wouldn't...
Or would you?
Don't fight me!
Ignite me!
My trigger...
Your finger...
Your darkness...
I know it...
Come forward!
I've seen it!
I mean it!

Your power, is over!

I've come to change the order!
My training, is perfect!
I'm back, again!

Your promise, is broken!
I drank your sacred water.
My mission, is holy!

My father...
His duty...
His orders...
My brother...
The promise...
The breaking...
The missing...
The torture...
The madness...
The sadness...
Can this be?
Or is it?

Your power, is over!

I've come to change the order.
My training, is perfect!
I'm back, again!

Your promise, is broken!
I drank your sacred water.
My mission, is holy!

I'm back.

The hate I hate believing...
The hate I hate believing...

I never saw it coming...
I never saw it coming...

The hate I hate believing...
The hate I hate believing...

I never saw it coming...
I never saw it coming...

You have your orders, soldier..

When you're hurt and scared for so long,
the fear and pain turn to hate and
the hate starts to change the world.

تواجدي هووون


او تلغراام هون ~

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-25-2018, 03:58 PM
This isn't the life that I dreamed it could be
I'm starin' into the eyes of the shell left of me

and now, every decision I make
the good, the pleasure, and the pain
could simply all be erased
if I choose it to be

this nightmare unfolds like a rose awakes to the spring
always so close to the sanity I'm trying to cling to

I'm tearin' out the pages 'cause it hurts
to be forced to feel the hearts break
how much of this torture can I take?
is it not worth the risk to create
just one
more try
I know that I can fix it

if you could rewrite our life any way that you please
would you tear out the pages of our memories?
would you take back the pain and all the hurt we create?
or could you be satisfied with the love that you've made
with me?

if you could rewrite our life any way that you please
would you tear out the pages of our memories?
would you take back the pain and all the hurt we create?
or could you be satisfied with the promise you made?

so we rewrite our lives but it's not what we think
in the chaos we dance as we stand on the brink
always one change away from makin' ourselves complete
the world will perish in flames
and I'll watch as you fade from me

we write our love psalm
rewrite our love psalm
we write our love psalm
rewrite our love psalm


When you're hurt and scared for so long,
the fear and pain turn to hate and
the hate starts to change the world.

تواجدي هووون


او تلغراام هون ~

رد مع اقتباس
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